A Christmas Message from Cardinal Tobin
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
The joy of Christmas reminds us how close God is to each of us — and to all of us. In the birth of Jesus, the living God becomes Emmanuel—”God with us.” This is a powerful reminder that God, the Creator of everything, is not distant but near to us, loving us and deeply desiring to be at the center of our lives.
The Christmas story is one we may know too well, since its familiarity could camouflage so much wonder and meaning. Jesus was born in a humble stable, surrounded by Mary, Joseph, and social outcasts, such as the shepherds. He was not born in a palace but in poverty. We will not find true greatness in wealth or power, but in love, humility, and service. In God’s kingdom, the first will be last, the lowly are exalted, and the poor inherit the earth.
But there is a deeper meaning. The circumstances of his birth suggest just how far the living God traveled and why God undertook the journey. In the most popular of all Italian Christmas carols — Tu scendi dalle stelle — its author, Saint Alphonsus Liguori, whispers to the Christ Child, “How much it cost You to love me!”
What is amazing about the Christmas story is that God, all-powerful and almighty, chose to come to us as a tiny, vulnerable infant. Jesus depended completely on His mother, Mary, and Joseph for care and protection. This paradox reveals the heart of our faith. God displays power, not through force or domination, but in love and vulnerability. Jesus, both divine and human, is held in the arms of His parents, protected from harm, and sheltered in the love of a family.
This Christmas, let us take a moment to reflect on how Jesus’ message echoes in our hearts. Can we embrace humility and service in our relationships? Do we care for the poor, the homeless, and the marginalized? Just as Mary and Joseph cared for the Christ child, are we offering similar love and protection to those most in need—especially the unborn, the elderly, and the vulnerable?
This is a season of joy and hope, reminding us of the deep peace that God continues to offer in a troubled world. Christmas also calls us to action. The gifts we exchange are symbols of the deeper sharing God invites us to embrace, an exchange that God started in such dramatic fashion through the incarnation of His Son. The season beckons us to give of ourselves—our time, resources, and love—just as God has given Himself to us.
May the peace of Christ fill your hearts this Christmas, and may the Jubilee Year of 2025 bring you new blessings as we walk together as Pilgrims of Hope. Merry Christmas and God’s peace to you all!
Sincerely yours in Christ the Redeemer,
Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R.
Archbishop of Newark