Adult Faith Formation

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all t hat I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20

Courses for Adults seeking to grow in knowledge of the Catholic Faith!

Spotlight on the Old Testament

An Adult Faith Formation Course open to all adults who desire to grow in knowledge of the Sacred Scriptures and the Catholic Faith.

Ever Ancient, Ever New!
As we gather for worship, why do we begin with a reading from the Hebrew Scriptures? What do the ancient Hebrew writers want to be remembered? In this course, we will approach these ancient writings through story, literary genre, historical timeline, and an underlying pervasive relationship
with our Christian story.

Adult Faith Formation Leaders
RSVP Today!

Join the Office for Lifelong Faith Formation Staff and Adult Faith Formation Leaders from throughout the Archdiocese to network and support one another in ministry.


Living As Missionary Disciples

A free online Adult Faith Formation Course

This course walks participants through the fourfold methodology of missionary discipleship and provides six dimensions for pastoral planning based on Evangelii Gaudium- The Joy of the Gospel. This course provides an opportunity to walk through the material with videos discussing each chapter, materials from the Vatican and elsewhere to further unpack, and prayerful reflection to come to a better understanding of missionary discipleship and its importance for parishes to live the Gospel.

The catechetical formation of adults is essential for the Church to carry out the commission given the apostles by Christ. (National Directory for Catechesis no. 48A) The catechesis of adults is the ideal standard toward which all catechetical activity is aimed. The Archdiocesan Catechetical Office serves the needs of our parishes by offering consultation and support for adult faith formation design and implementation.  In addition, we offer the Spotlight Series on a continuous basis. Spotlight courses are led by dynamic master teachers and are open to all adults who seek to deepen their faith by focusing on the Sacred Scriptures and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

For more information regarding Adult Faith Formation, contact Joanne DePasquale-Parent, Associate Director for Adult Faith Formation at