Cancellation of Archdiocesan Participation in Washington March for Life

Current news reports are stating that Winter Storm Jonas is expected to start on Friday in the Mid-Atlantic states and continue through the weekend into the Northeastern states. Some two feet of snow is expected to fall in the Washington, DC area beginning on Friday. The City of Washington has already declared a state of emergency in anticipation of the storm.

Travel will be dangerous. Therefore, out of a concern for safety, the Archdiocesan Respect Life Office is canceling its participation in this year’s national March for Life.

All Rally Bus Company buses have also been canceled.

No marching under Archdiocesan sponsorship will take place this year. We encourage all who had been planning to participate in this year’s March to: first, see to their own protection and safety during this weekend’s storm, and; second, take part in the Nine Days for Life initiative of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. More information on that program is available here.

For those groups and individuals who do wish to take part in a pro-life Rally tomorrow, January 22, a Right to Life Rally will be taking place in Trenton on the steps of the State House from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Information on that Rally is available here.