Lenten Prayer Partners

This Lent, as we make our journey together as one people of faith, once again the Office for Youth & Young Adult Ministry invites you to join us in our “Lenten Prayer Partner Program”.

To be a Lenten Prayer Partner is to embrace the strength of prayer for others, specifically for those that walk with the young church here in the Archdiocese of Newark!  

Here are the logistics:
-Complete the form below
-You will be anonymously “matched” with another person from the Archdiocese
-On Ash Wednesday night, March 5th, you will receive an email from us with your Prayer Partner’s name and some ideas
-During the 40 days of Lent, we ask that you pray for your Lenten Prayer Partner daily
-on Easter Sunday (4/20) you will receive an email from us.  We invite you to then send an email on Monday, April 21st and reveal yourself to your Prayer Partner.

We would encourage you to continue to keep your “chosen” person and others in your prayers after Lent and through the Easter Season.

Lenten Prayer Partners

Lenten Prayer Partner Sign Up

Contact information(Required)

Rich Donovan, Associate Director
Office for Youth & Young Adult Ministry
201-998-0088 x 4150