Parish Council Workshop | September 26, 2024

Register for a Session

Walking together as a Synodal Church

Parish Pastoral Council Basics

Presenters: Sr. Donna L. Ciangio, OP and Melissa Else

Parish Pastoral Councils are essential to parish life in assisting in developing the mission of the parish and planning for the future. This workshop will look at the purpose of Parish Pastoral Councils, how to form them, ways to do practical parish planning, and best practices of successful councils and parishes and networking with other PPC’s from around the Archdiocese. The workshops will help you improve your already existing councils, orient new members, or assist you in starting a council.

Who should attend: Pastors, staff, key leaders, and already formed PPCs who need a refresher or have new members, or those preparing to start a council.

Thursday, September 26 • Holy Spirit Church, Union, New Jersey

Workshop will take place from 7-9 PM with light supper

It’s best to attend when your PPC members can all be together.
Bring your experience, best practices, and questions.