Advisory regarding social media accounts impersonating Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R.

Cardinal Tobin only uses Twitter and Instagram accounts, which are monitored daily. The Cardinal’s official, and only, Twitter and Instagram accounts are  @CardinalJWTobin. Any other communication allegedly from Cardinal Tobin on any other social media platform, such as differing Twitter or Instagram handles, Facebook, Whatsapp, TikTok, Snapchat or Reddit, is an unauthorized and fraudulent use of the Cardinal’s name and identity. 

Please immediately report any such social media activity purporting or suggesting to be that of or affiliated with Cardinal Tobin’s name, account or identity to the Archdiocese of Newark,  Communications Office, as well as to the host social media platform’s reporting page. In the event that you are directly contacted or solicited by such an account, in addition to taking these steps, please also report it to your local law enforcement department.