Kick Start Evangelization in Your Parish

Welcome to the School of Evangelization series, “Kickstart Evangelization in Your Parish…it’s easier than you think!” At the conclusion of these seven sessions, it is our prayer that every participant will be more deeply rooted in their faith and have greater confidence in their ability to share that faith with others. This foundational series seeks to clearly express the Christocentric core of evangelization, assisting each participant in their goal to transform the culture in their life and parish toward a culture of ongoing conversion, formation, and missionary discipleship.

Session 1: Evangelization – What It Is and How We Do It

This session introduces the series with an overlook at evangelization as the proclamation of Good News. To start Session 1, click Here

Session 2: Conversion – Fruit of the Kerygma

The Gospel has been proclaimed; now it needs to be accepted. To start Session 2, click Here

Session 3: The Church – Community of Faith

Now that the Gospel has been preached, we turn to the ‘place’ where this faith is to be lived out. To start Session 3, click Here

Session 4: The Sacraments – Fulfillment of the Promise

In this section we explore how the Church, as the ‘sacrament of salvation’, lives her mission most profoundly in the celebration of the Sacraments. To start Session 4, click Here

Session 5: Scripture – Source and Sustenance

The Word of God is at the center of all that the Church teaches and believes. Here we will look at the Bible in the context of the whole of God’s revelation to His people.To start Session 5, click Here

Session 6: Community – How we Live “Church”

We will look at community from the family on up to the universal Church, with particular emphasis on forming and fostering intentional communities. To start Session 6, click Here

Session 7: Service – Passing on the Faith

The preeminent sign that we are on the path of integrating faith and life is our pattern of service. We are called to care for the least and the lost, as well as for one another. To start Session 7, click Here