We are Living Stones

Capital Campaign Progress 

The We Are Living Stones Capital Campaign is a historic initiative that will ensure that we, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Newark, will remain a strong, vibrant and faithful Church for years to come. We know that the greatest treasure is our Catholic faith; the source of our strength and nourishment as we journey through life. This campaign is primarily focused on just that; the spiritual growth and development of the people of this great Archdiocese. As generations past have solidified their legacy, your generosity towards the We Are Living Stones Campaign will create a legacy for this generation. This legacy of faith will be passed onto the next generation to accept, cherish, and carry into the future.

All 214 parishes have completed their efforts toward the We Are Living Stones Campaign, and God has certainly blessed the work of His People. The Campaign continues to move strongly towards its goal of $90 million, with nearly $87.6 million in pledge commitments to date.  Parishes throughout the Archdiocese have broken ground on various capital projects with over $24 million already distributed to qualifying parishes.  

The We Are Living Stones Capital Campaign continues to focus on strengthening our parishes while building a bright future for the entire Archdiocese.  We ask that you continue to pray for the success of this campaign both at your local parish, as well as at your neighboring parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Newark. Thank you for your consideration and your participation in this endeavor. Please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Development and Stewardship with any questions or concerns regarding this campaign. You may reach our office at (973) 497-4332.

Campaign Goal




Total Payments


The above chart is reflective of gifts received through June 30, 2020. 

Click here for a full list of parish performance to date!**

**Report includes gifts reported as of June 30, 2020. 

Case for Support

The We Are Living Stones Capital Campaign will provide the solid foundation upon which our Church will continue to build and enhance the future for all one million Catholics across Northern New Jersey. Financial resources are essential to enable our parishes to continue supporting the journey of faith, spirituality and ministry of our expanding Catholic community.

The goal is to raise more than $90 million in pledges to support six priorities:

(Click on the categories below to learn more about each case of the campaign)

As we embark on the We Are Living Stones Capital Campaignwe look forward to the future, confident that all of our Brothers and Sisters of Christ will consider a sacrificial gift and join together to raise the important funds.

Please join us in praying for the success of this campaign by clicking here!


How will the parish goals be determined?

Parish goal calculations are based on 100 percent of the 2013, offertory (first collections) using the reported information for unrestricted plate and donations.

How much will my parish receive as part of this campaign?

 As part of the We Are Living Stones Capital Campaign, $40 million will be allocated to help parishes meet their local needs. After the Works of Mercy target is met, 50% of all funds raised will stay at the parish for projects determined by local leadership.

Is our parish goal an assessment?

No, the established parish goals are not an assessment.  However, the first monies raised at each parish will be allocated to help meet the parish’s “Works of Mercy” target. All parishes are asked to conduct a “good faith effort” and work with their assigned campaign director to achieve their goal. If, after conducting a “good faith effort” the parish does not meet its goal, the parish will not be assessed the balance.

When will parishes begin to receive their 50 percent share? 

Parishes exceeding their Works of Mercy goal, will receive their parish portion every quarter.  Funds will be disbursed in March, June, September and December.   If the parish exceedsits overal goal, they will receive 60% of all funds redeemed above the We Are Living Stones goal on the same timeline as stated above.

How will the campaign affect our parish offertory?

In the short term, offertory giving should remain level, with a possible small fluctuation up or down. We make sure we communicate that parishioners are asked to consider a greater sacrifice and commitment to their Archdiocesan Church above and beyond their regular offertory giving, and should not lower their gifts to their parish in order to make a gift to this effort.

Are pledges legally binding?

Pledges are not legally binding. If the donor’s financial situation changes such that a pledge cannot be satisfied, simply communicate with the Archdiocesan Development Office and inform them so that you will not receive further communications regarding your pledge. 

When will funds be available for scholarships?

Distributions of available endowment earnings for tuition assistance scholarships will begin once the individual endowment is substantially funded and some level of earnings has been generated.

Will any of these funds be used for items other than the established case elements?

No. The Archdiocese has both a legal and moral obligation to restrict these funds for the stated elements. The funds raised for the campaign will be used exclusively for the named case elements.

Is there a certain order for case element funding?

The Works of Mercy portion of the case will be funded first and then all other elements will be funded in a proportional way.

How will my parish benefit from this campaign? 

We are all a part of a larger Archdiocesan faith family, and should be committed to sustaining and growing the ministries and spirituality of every member both now and in the future. With this in mind, the intention is for every case element in this campaign to benefit all in our Archdiocese.

1.    The Archdiocese of Newark began as the Diocese of Newark in 1853.  Some of our local parishes are over 150 years old.  By providing nearly ½ of the monies raised to parishes for their own needs we hope that our local churches will be able to address some of the maintenance projects that have been differed because of lack of financial resources.

2.    One of the best ways to help our Catholic Schools succeed in the Archdiocese of Newark is by helping to fill them with students.  By establishing and funding a new endowment for needs based tuition assistance, the campaign will provide greater opportunities for students throughout our area to attend our Catholic schools.

3.    While the parish phase of the We Are Living Stones Archdiocesan Campaign begins in 2015 and will continue over a four-year period of time, the day-to-day ministries of the Archdiocese of Newark must continue.  The Works of Mercy portion of the campaign will ensure that programs like Catholic Charities, Youth and young adult ministries, Multicultural ministry, Family life ministry and others will be funded for 2015.

4.    By providing funds for our seminarians’ educations we increase the likelihood that an individual will respond to their vocation to the priesthood or religious life and see their studies through to the end.  Better formation for our priests during their years of formation will help to provide our local parishes with pastors and priests who are prepared to serve the spiritual needs of God’s people.

5.    Aside from providing funds to help our parish physical plants, the campaign will allocate funds for Parish Renewal and leadership development.  This new endowment will provide funding so that our parish priests and other parish leaders can continue their professional development, parishes can initiate effective evangelization programs; provide catechetical training to its aspiring teachers and other parish-level ministries and programs. 

6.    Our priests care and provide for our faith life. Caring for them in retirement is our obligation. By increasing funding to the Priests’ Retirement Trust, we can better provide for our retired priests, which benefits us all.

Who handles the redemption of the pledges?

Families are asked to make their pledges to the We Are Living Stones campaign, at which time The Archdiocese of Newark will be responsible for the redemption of the pledges. The Office of Development will track pledges and gifts, and handle the mailing of payment reminders over the 4-year pledge period.  Each parish has access to its report – detailing the names of the parishioners, and their pledged and paid amounts. 

Why aren’t we including the Annual Appeal for all four years of the campaign?

During the course of our campaign, it is vital that we maintain the financial resources required to sustain these ministries, programs, services and the central administrative and pastoral offices. The decision has been made to replace the Annual Appeal and incorporate a Works of Mercy goal for each parish throughout the We Are Living Stones Capital Campaign. Parishes conducting the campaign in Block One will resume the new Sharing God’s Blessings annual appeal in 2016.

Can I designate my gift to a specific case item?

Yes. Donors can specify special interests on their pledge card as they pertain to the greater case for support in the We Are Living Stones campaign.   Restricted gifts will still be credited to the parish. If a donor wishes to designate he/she must specify clearly how the gift should be designated.

How much should I give to the campaign?

Parishioners are asked to prayerfully consider a specific gift plan in accordance with their own means, circumstances and sacrificial levels. Pledges are payable in monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual installments over a 4-year period.

Why are pledges encouraged, instead of one-time donations?

Pledges provide parishioners with the opportunity to make a more significant gift to the mission of the Church. A contribution is easier to pay off over a period of time rather than a one-time gift out of pocket.  In addition, pledges allow the Archdiocese of Newark and your local parish to better budget and plan for meeting the needs that will be addressed as a result of this campaign.

Case statements

Parish share

Though the Catholic Church is truly universal, we most often experience the Church at our local parish. It is at the parish level that the healing, teaching, reconciling, and sanctifying mission of Christ becomes most evident.

The physical needs of our parishes now and into the future are of great concern. It is projected that the parishes of the Archdiocese will need almost $125 million over the next ten years to ensure that the 1,100 church, school and rectory buildings, parish centers, ministry offices and other buildings within the Archdiocese where we engage in the work of the Church are kept in good condition.

Once a parish reaches its Works of Mercy target, then 50% of all funds raised return back to the parish while simultaneously funding additional case elements that both directly and indirectly benefit our parishes.


Tuition Assistance Endowment

The Catholic Schools of the Archdiocese of Newark are faith-filled learning communities of parents, students, teachers, and administrators who foster the development of our children spiritually, morally and intellectually. Our students love, learn, and live their faith in service to others. The schools of the Archdiocese of Newark are committed to educational excellence within the tradition of the Roman Catholic faith.

One of the objectives of this campaign will be to establish a Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund of $18 million that will increase our ability to help more students attend our elementary schools. The earnings from this fund will be available to help defray the costs of tuition for financially deserving children. Through an application process that will include a need-based assessment, certification of good standing at the parish, and acceptance to the school, students will be able to apply for tuition assistance through their pastor. We must ensure that our schools are open to Catholic families of any income level so all have an opportunity for a Christ-centered educational experience.


Works of Mercy

As Christians, we are called to love our brothers and sisters in Christ by sharing the blessings entrusted to each one of us, trusting that the Lord will provide for our needs. We can do this by giving alms and contributing to programs, organizations and ministries committed to the spiritual and corporal Works of Mercy and thereby supporting the evangelical mission of the Church.

For the duration of the We Are Living Stones Capital Campaign, parishes will contribute the first share of their revenue to help instruct, advise, console, comfort and support those in need, both physically and spiritually.

Trusting that the Lord will continue to provide for all our needs, approximately $8.7 million of the We Are Living Stones Campaign will be used to fund the on-going operations of programs and ministries, including:

  • Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Newark
  • Youth and Young Adult Ministries (including spiritual outreach to university students and to young people discerning Vocations)
  • Diocesan-wide programs to promote family life and a greater respect for all human life and social justice
  • Multicultural ministry
  • Chaplaincies that bring comfort and hope to those in hospitals and prisons
  • Support of the spiritual center of the Archdiocese, the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart.


Seminarian Support Endowment

Central to our lives as Catholics is the sacramental life of the Church. Our Priests pastor our parishes, baptize our children, anoint our sick, reconcile us as sinners, encourage us on the journey of faith and celebrate the Holy Eucharist, the Source and Summit of our life as believers.

The Church of Newark is committed to providing the necessary resources for our future Priests. The three seminaries operated by the Archdiocese of Newark continue to attract men answering the call to dedicate their lives to the Church.

With the costs with of their education on the rise, it is essential to fund this vital ministry that will ultimately benefit our spiritual lives.

In this campaign, the Archdiocese would like to add $8 million to the current endowment of $14 million to provide for the formation and education of seminarians preparing to serve in the Archdiocese of Newark.


Parish Renewal Fund

While we work to strengthen our parish infrastructure, we must simultaneously provide opportunities for our parish leaders to spread the Gospel message and serve the people of our great Archdiocese. Evangelizing and educating our people in our rapidly changing world will require creative programs and initiatives that address our modern realities and challenges. These efforts are often outside of the ability of many of our parishes to address on their own. This new Parish Renewal fund will provide grants to parishes to aid in their evangelization and religious education efforts.

Through this fund of $8 million we will provide grants that will enable our Priests and laity to get the continuing education and training that today’s Church requires. It will also provide funding for evangelization and religious education programs.

Retired Priests Care & Medical Costs Endowment

Presently, there are nearly 200 retired Priests of the Archdiocese. These men have selflessly offered decades of service to the faithful. They have dedicated their lives to guiding us in our journey of faith. As our Priests age and retire, they often experience ongoing challenges that require our continuing care and attention.

The goal through We Are Living Stones is to add to the existing restricted endowment fund of $14.35 million to assist with the mounting healthcare costs of our aged and retired Priests.

With the growing number of retired clergy in our Archdiocese, we can anticipate that the number of priests who will have to rely in part on this fund will continue to increase.

An infusion of $6 million to this fund from our campaign will provide assistance to those Priests in need for the foreseeable future.


Información en español

Las necesidades físicas de nuestras parroquias ahora y en el futuro son de gran preocupación. Se prevé que las parroquias de la Arquidiócesis necesitarán casi $125 millones en los próximos diez años para asegurar que los 1,100 edificios, iglesias, escuelas, rectorías, centros parroquiales, oficinas ministeriales y otros edificios donde nos involucramos en el trabajo de la Iglesia, se mantendrán en buenas condiciones.  Esta campaña comenzará esta tarea urgente proporcionando $40 millones para nuestras parroquias.

Proporción Parroquial 

Cada parroquia tendrá una meta para la campaña de capital, así como una meta para las Obras de Misericordia.  Al cumplir con la meta de las Oras de Misericordia, 50% de los fondos recaudados serán devueltos a la parroquia.  Además, una vez que la parroquia supere su objetivo de la campaña, entonces la parroquia recibirá el 60% de los fondos recaudados sobre el objetivo.  Estos fondos estarán disponibles para las propias necesidades y metas parroquiales locales.  A través del componente de Fortaleciendo a las Parroquias, esperamos realizar por lo menos $40 millones en financiamiento para las necesidades parroquiales.

Fortaleciendo Nuestras Parroquias 

Al cumplir con las Obras de Misericordia, 50% de los fondos recaudados regresarán a la parroquia y, al mismo tiempo, financiarán los elementos adicionales del caso que benefician directamente e indirectamente a nuestras parroquias.

Proporción Parroquial $40 millones

Proyectos alternativos pueden incluir:

  • Restauraciones
  • Reparaciones
  • Mantenimiento
  • Construcción
  • Establecer o aumentar dotaciones
  • La reducción de la deuda
  • Necesidades Ministeriales

Apoyo Parroquial Indirecto:

  • Fondo de Asistencia de Matrículas Escolares – $18 millones
  • Fondo para Apoyo a los Seminarista – $8,000,000
  • Fondo de Renovación Parroquial – $8,000,000      
  • Fondo para el Cuidado de los Sacerdote Jubilados y Necesidades Médicas  – $6,000,000

Fondo de Ayuda Para Matricula Escolar

Estableceremos un Fondo de Dotación para Asistencia de Matrícula Escolar de $18 millones, para ayudar a más estudiantes asistir a nuestras escuelas primarias católicas  A través de un proceso de solicitud que incluirá una evaluación basada en la necesidad, la certificación de participación parroquial, y la aceptación a la escuela, los estudiantes podrán solicitar la ayuda de matrícula a través de su párroco.  Este esfuerzo ayudará a que nuestras escuelas estén abiertas y disponibles a más familias católicas de cualquier nivel de ingreso.

Fondo Para Apoyo a Los Seminaristas 

La vida sacramental de la iglesia es parte central en nuestras vidas como Católicos.  Por lo tanto, nuestra Arquidiócesis se ha comprometido a proporcionar los recursos necesarios para nuestros futuros Sacerdotes, quienes ejercen nuestros sacramentos. Con el número de seminaristas estudiando en nuestros tres seminarios aumentando cada año, es esencial que financiamos este vital ministerio.  En esta campaña, la Arquidiócesis quisiera añadir $8 millones a la dotación actual de $14 millones para sustentar la formación y educación de los seminaristas preparándose para su vocación Sacerdotal.

Fondo Para Renovación Parroquial

Evangelización y educación en nuestro mundo rápidamente cambiante requerirá programas creativos e iniciativas que aborden nuestras realidades y desafíos modernos. Estos esfuerzos, a menudo, son fuera de la capacidad de muchas de nuestras parroquias. A través de Somos Piedras Vivas estableceremos un nuevo fondo de Renovación Parroquial que proporcionará subvenciones a las parroquias para ayudar en sus esfuerzos de evangelización y de educación religiosa. Este fondo de $8,000,000 ofrecerá becas que permitirán a nuestros Sacerdotes y laicos obtener la educación continua y la formación que la Iglesia de hoy necesita.

Fondo Para El Cuidado De Los Sacerdotes Jubilados y Necesidades Medicas 

Actualmente, hay cerca de 200 sacerdotes jubilados en la Arquidiócesis. Estos hombres han dedicado sus vidas a guiarnos en nuestro camino de la fe y, hoy ellos  requieren de nuestra atención y cuidado.  Un objetivo de Somos Piedras Vivas es incrementar el fondo restringido de $14.3 millones con $6 millones más para ayudar a sufragar los costos médicos de nuestros sacerdotes ancianos y jubilados.

Obras de Misericordia 

A través de las Obras de Misericordia, la primera parte de los ingresos de la campaña de capital Somos Piedras Vivas en cada parroquia, ayudará a instruir, aconsejar, consolar, acomodar, y apoyar a los más necesitados.  Proporcionaremos $8.7 millones de los fondos recaudados para financiar las operaciones en curso de los programas y ministerios diocesanos incluyendo:

Caridades Católicas de la Arquidiócesis de Newark:

Los programas de Caridades Católicas atienden a más de 100,000 personas al año en los condados de Bergen, Essex, Hudson y Unión.  Algunos de los  46 programas incluyen los siguientes:

  • La Red de Alimentación de Emergencia
  • Alojamiento
  • Programas de ayuda para nuestros ancianos
  • La ayuda psicológica y psiquiátrica para los que tienen enfermedades mentales
  • Capacitación para el trabajo
  • Educación asequible de alta calidad para los niños en comunidades desfavorecidas
  • Servicios de Inmigración
  • Ministerio a los Sordos y Personas con Discapacidades
  • Ministerios para los Jóvenes y Adultos
  • Promoción de la vida familiar y un mayor respeto por toda vida humana y la justicia social a nivel diocesano
  • Ministerio Multicultural
  • Capellanías que traen consuelo y esperanza a los hospitalizados y presos
  • Apoyo del Centro Espiritual de la Arquidiócesis, la Catedral Basílica del Sagrado Corazón.

El componente de las Obras de Misericordia, Seminaristas, Cuido de Sacerdotes Retirados, Asistencia con Matrícula Escolar, Asistencia y Renovación Parroquial serán financiadas después que se han cumplido los gastos de la campaña. Estos costos de la campaña no saldrán de la porción parroquial y, a la conclusión de la campaña, un informe de todos los ingresos y gastos relacionados se harán públicos.

Contact Us

Thomas J. Smith

(973) 497-4091


Jessica Panagos

Associate Director of the Annual Appeal
(973) 497-4042


Meghan Moran

Associate Director for Major Gifts & Special Initiatives
(973) 497-4197


Office of Development and Stewardship

