51st annual Candlelight Carol Sing; Navidad Latina 2022
The Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart invites you to two exciting events presented in the month of December for the Cathedral’s annual concert series.

Navidad Latina 2022, Dec. 9 at 8 p.m.
El Coro Hispano de la Catedral, con cantantes e instrumentistas de las comunidades latinoamericanas de la Archidiócesis de Newark, interpretará villancicos en español y otros idiomas el 9 de diciembre, a las 8 de la noche, en la Catedral. Los Querubines de la Catedral, niños del programa de catequesis, se presentarán. Todos los asistentes incluso los que hablen inglés están invitados a asistir al concierto y a cantar.
Haga clic aquí para ver el livestream
Para más detalles, visite www.newarkbasilica.org/concert-series.
The Cathedral Spanish Choir, with singers and instrumentalists from Latin American communities of the Archdiocese of Newark, will perform Christmas carols in Spanish and other languages on Friday, December 9, at 8 p.m. at the Cathedral. The Cathedral Cherubs, girls and boys from the Catechetics program, will join the performance. All attendees, even English speakers, are invited to attend the concert and sing along.
Watch the livestream at youtube.com/@SacredHeartCathedralBasilica/streams
For more details, go to www.newarkbasilica.org/concert-series.
51st Annual Candlelight Carol Sing, Dec. 14 & 15 at 8 p.m.

Sing along with the Cathedral Choir and instrumental ensemble as they perform Christmas carols among an ambiance of candlelight and Christmas decor for two nights to celebrate the Christmas season. Join us and thousands of participants to sing along with these musicians on December 14 and 15 at 8 p.m. for a beautiful event that can’t be missed. Don’t forget to stay until the end to sing the final song Silent Night.
The doors will open at 7 p.m.
Watch the livestream at youtube.com/@SacredHeartCathedralBasilica/streams
For more information about the Cathedral Basilica 2022/2023 Concert Series, visit www.newarkbasilica.org/concert-series.