About Us

Mission Statement

We, The Church in the Archdiocese of Newark,
are Catholic Christians who recognize and acknowledge in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection, the expression of the Father’s gift of love for all people. Empowered by the Spirit of the risen Christ, we are called, as individuals and as a community, to be living witnesses of Christ’s presence and His ongoing mission in our society.
(1 John 4:9:11)

As a Community,
obedient to the Spirit of God and under the leadership of the Pope and our Archbishop, we are called in co-responsibility to be listening, worshiping, serving and loving people. We see our lives personally and collectively as a perpetual thanksgiving and celebration of God’s great love for humanity.

As Church, 
we confess to be preeminently an Eucharistic community and a sacrament, a living sign of Jesus Christ’s presence. The Eucharist which we celebrate together is both the sign and the means of our present unity, as well as of the still greater unity to be achieved in the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
(Constitution of the Liturgy #2 Lumen Gentium #1)

… has been sent by God the Father to redeem the human family through the power of the Holy Spirit. We, as a Church, are called by God to give living testimony and actualize the saving mission of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.
… proclaimed the Kingdom by His words and deeds. He commanded us to love one another as He loved us. He confirmed what he said by what he did. We are called to do the same.
…came to offer His Father’s merciful and loving providence to all. We are called to search out the needs, not only of the Catholic community, but of the total community; and then to respond accordingly with open mind and generous heart, conscious of the Gospel demands of Jesus Christ. We are further called to help all people recognize the Kingdom of God, as the Spirit brings it to reality in the whole of creation, more particularly within the hearts of those who dare to call themselves followers of Jesus Christ. (Romans 8:18-27)

We, The Church in the Archdiocese of Newark,
find our unity, meaning and purpose through sharing in the saving mission of Jesus Christ. Faithfulness to His total mission calls us to sacrifice and risk. Our response to this call within the Archdiocese of Newark takes on a threefold character:
– to teach and to witness the Word of God
– to build community
– to serve

We, The Church in the Archdiocese of Newark,
are Catholic Christians who recognize and acknowledge in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection, the expression of the Father’s gift of love for all people. Empowered by the Spirit of the risen Christ, we are called, as individuals and as a community, to be living witnesses of Christ’s presence and His ongoing mission in our society.
(1 John 4:9:11)

As a Community, 
obedient to the Spirit of God and under the leadership of the Pope and our Archbishop, we are called in co-responsibility to be listening, worshiping, serving and loving people. We see our lives personally and collectively as a perpetual thanksgiving and celebration of God’s great love for humanity.

As Church, 
we confess to be preeminently an Eucharistic community and a sacrament, a living sign of Jesus Christ’s presence. The Eucharist which we celebrate together is both the sign and the means of our present unity, as well as of the still greater unity to be achieved in the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
(Constitution of the Liturgy #2 Lumen Gentium #1)

We, The Church in the Archdiocese of Newark,
are Catholic Christians who recognize and acknowledge in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection, the expression of the Father’s gift of love for all people. Empowered by the Spirit of the risen Christ, we are called, as individuals and as a community, to be living witnesses of Christ’s presence and His ongoing mission in our society.
(1 John 4:9:11)

As a Community, 
obedient to the Spirit of God and under the leadership of the Pope and our Archbishop, we are called in co-responsibility to be listening, worshiping, serving and loving people. We see our lives personally and collectively as a perpetual thanksgiving and celebration of God’s great love for humanity.

As Church, 
we confess to be preeminently an Eucharistic community and a sacrament, a living sign of Jesus Christ’s presence. The Eucharist which we celebrate together is both the sign and the means of our present unity, as well as of the still greater unity to be achieved in the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
(Constitution of the Liturgy #2 Lumen Gentium #1)

… has been sent by God the Father to redeem the human family through the power of the Holy Spirit. We, as a Church, are called by God to give living testimony and actualize the saving mission of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.

… proclaimed the Kingdom by His words and deeds. He commanded us to love one another as He loved us. He confirmed what he said by what he did. We are called to do the same.

…came to offer His Father’s merciful and loving providence to all. We are called to search out the needs, not only of the Catholic community, but of the total community; and then to respond accordingly with open mind and generous heart, conscious of the Gospel demands of Jesus Christ. We are further called to help all people recognize the Kingdom of God, as the Spirit brings it to reality in the whole of creation, more particularly within the hearts of those who dare to call themselves followers of Jesus Christ. (Romans 8:18-27)

We, The Church in the Archdiocese of Newark,
find our unity, meaning and purpose through sharing in the saving mission of Jesus Christ. Faithfulness to His total mission calls us to sacrifice and risk. Our response to this call within the Archdiocese of Newark takes on a threefold character:

– to teach and to witness the Word of God
– to build community
– to serve

Latest Announcements

Archbishop of Newark

Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., D.D.

Pope Francis named Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin the sixth archbishop for the Archdiocese of Newark on November 7, 2016. For his episcopal motto Cardinal Tobin chose, Rejoice in the Lord – from the Letter of St. Paul to the Philippians: “Rejoice in the Lord always. I say it again: Rejoice!” (Phil. 4:4).

Auxiliary Bishops

The Archdiocese of Newark is served by four Auxiliary Bishops who assist with the administration of its parishes in their designated counties.

Manuel A. Cruz, D.D.

Regional Bishop for
Essex County

Read Bio

Michael A. Saporito

Regional Bishop for
Bergen County

Read Bio

Elias R. Lorenzo, O.S.B.

Regional Bishop for
Union County

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Gregory J. Studerus

Regional Bishop for
Hudson County

Read Bio

Chancery Directory

Very Rev. John Chadwick, S.T.D.
Vicar General
Office of the Vicar General
Office of the Vicar General
171 Clifton Avenue
Newark, New Jersey 07104
Sr. Donna Ciangio, O.P., M.A., D. Min.
Chancellor’s Office
Chancellor’s Office
171 Clifton Avenue
Newark, New Jersey 07104
Rev. Stephen Fichter, Ph.D.
Episcopal Vicar of Education
Catholic Schools
Catholic Schools
171 Clifton Avenue
Newark, New Jersey 07104
Steven Llanes, Esq.
General Counsel
Office of the General Counsel
Office of the General Counsel
171 Clifton Avenue
Newark, New Jersey 07104
Joseph Pescatore, K.H.S.
Chief Financial Officer
171 Clifton Avenue
Newark, New Jersey 07104
Deacon Tom Smith
Adult Formation
Office for Ministry with the Deaf
Office for Ministry with the Deaf
89 Ridge Street
Newark, New Jersey 07104
Jacob Stillson
Part- Time Mercy House Logistics Coordinator
Respect Life / Mercy House
Respect Life / Mercy House
171 Clifton Avenue
Newark, New Jersey 07104
Please enter a name or place to begin.
Name Place Phone
Safe Environment Compliance Team Protection of the Faithful
Office for Ministry with the Deaf 973-497-4009
Stewardship Office of Development and Stewardship 973-497-4091
Yuarleni Acosta Property Management Administration 973-497-4123
Very Rev. Dieuseul Adain, V.F Haitian Apostolate 908-354-2454
Maria Archetti Parish and School Business Services
Valentina Baldessarre Property Management Administration 973-497-4116
Robyn Barrington-Padia Clergy Personnel 973-497-4214
Jennifer Behnke Office for Evangelization, Jubilee Year 973-497-4137
Steven Belloise Property Management Administration 973-497-4118
Valeria Bermeo Property Management Administration 973-497-4110
Lawrence Boland Chief Operating Officer 973-497-4155
Bryant Bonilla Catholic Cemeteries
Patricia Braga Parish and School Business Services 973-497-4076
Gina Butler Lifelong Faith Formation 973-497-4295
Samantha Cappuccino Office of Priestly Vocations 973.313.6190
Very Rev. John Chadwick, S.T.D. Office of the Vicar General 973-497-4155
Msgr. Joseph Chapel Clergy Personnel 973-497-4334
Rev. Bismarck Chau, Chaplain Office for Ministry with the Deaf 973-497-4009
Rev. James Chern Campus Ministry 973-746-2323
Sr. Donna Ciangio, O.P., M.A., D. Min. Chancellor’s Office 973-497-4128
Karen Clark Protection of the Faithful (973) 497-4254
Kevin Comp Property Management Administration 973-497-4117
Tom Conboy Office for Youth & Young Adult Ministry 201-998-0088 Ext.4146
Frank Constenbader Metropolitan Tribunal
Jane Cordova Parish and School Business Services
Gina Criscuolo, LCSW Protection of the Faithful 201-407-3256
Stella Crispo Lifelong Faith Formation 973-497-4296
Maria Dantas Parish and School Business Services 973-497-4075
Joanne DePasquale-Parent Lifelong Faith Formation 973-497-4288
Msgr. Frank Del Prete Metropolitan Tribunal 973-497-4148
Vinicio Delgado Parish and School Business Services (973) 497-4075
Rev. Thomas Dente Office of Divine Worship, Jubilee Year 973-497-4347
David Donohoe Campus Ministry 201-684-7500
Rich Donovan Office for Youth & Young Adult Ministry 201-998-0088 Ext. 4150
Mark Edwards Office of Development and Stewardship 973-496-4046
Robert Evers, KGCHS Office of Divine Worship, Jubilee Year 973-497-4343
Jennifer Ferraioli Office for Family Life Ministry 973-497-4328
Juliana Ferreira Parish and School Business Services 973-497-4075
Rev. Stephen Fichter, Ph.D. Catholic Schools 973-497-4260
Athena Frade Archives and Records 973-761-9476
Tina Frey Clergy Personnel, Priest Sabbaticals 973-497-4225
Bartosz Fryckowski Human Resources 973-497-4135
Msgr. Robert Fuhrman Pontifical Mission Societies 973-251-9550
Rev. Alex Gaitan Immigration Ministry (973) 497-4338
Rahsaan Garlin African American, African and Caribbean Apostolate 201-978-6882
Christine Geiges-Krey Respect Life / Mercy House 973-497-4348
Yamilka Genao, M.E., M.A.P.M. Office for Family Life Ministry, Pastoral Familiar Hispana/ Hispanic Family Life Ministries 973-497-4326
MaryJo Gergich Parish and School Business Services 973-497-4177
Megan Gibney Parish and School Business Services 973-497-4203   
Rev. Stanley Gomes Clergy Personnel 973-497-4374
Rev. John Gordon Office for Evangelization, Jubilee Year 973-497-4137
Rev. Timothy Graff Social Concerns, Parish Finance Councils, Parish Mission & Vitality, Immigration Ministry 973-497-4318
Erica Grant Catholic Cemeteries
Deacon Bob Gurske Permanent Diaconate
Pete Hernandez Respect Life / Mercy House 201-687-8185
Mark Howard Parish and School Business Services 973-497-4024
Sr. Guerline Joseph, F.M.A. Office for Youth & Young Adult Ministry (201) 998-0088 ext. 4147
Maria Joyner Human Resources 973-497-4092
John Kalinowski Office for Family Life Ministry 973-497-4327
Rev. Jungsoo Kim Korean Apostolate 973-497-4272
Heidi Kopala Parish and School Business Services 973-497-4078
Donna LaBadie Clergy Personnel, Communications 973-497-4220
Eric Lavin Italian Apostolate
Very Rev. Raphael Lee, JCL Metropolitan Tribunal 973-497-4140
Daniel Levin Parish and School Business Services 201-659-5948
Ralph Lilore Protection of the Faithful 973-497-4578
Marguerite Lizzo Office of Priestly Vocations 973-275-4652
Steven Llanes, Esq. Office of the General Counsel 973-497-4312
Brianna LoSardo Archives and Records 973-761-9126
Most Rev. Elias Lorenzo Office of the Regional Bishop for Union County (908) 273.5618
Theresa Lucas Parish and School Business Services
Nancy Lystash, L.H.S. Parish and School Business Services 973-497-4074
Magdalena Macias Office of Development and Stewardship 973-497-4091
Rev. Joseph Mancini, KCHS Office of Divine Worship 973-497-4038
Rev. Armand Mantia Office of Divine Worship 973-497-4346
Maria Margiotta, M.S. Communications 973-497-4186
Johana Marin Property Management Administration 973-497-4121
Anne Masters, Ph.D., FAAIDD Pastoral Ministry with Persons with Disabilities 973-497-4309
Donna Mauro Parish and School Business Services
Deacon John McKenna, K.H.S. Human Resources, Permanent Diaconate 973-497-4125
Christiane Mendoza Human Resources 973-497-4100
Rosalie Mescall Human Resources (973) 497-4243
John Miller Office of Divine Worship 973-484-2400
Dennis Miller Human Resources 973-497-4095
Annette Miller Respect Life / Mercy House 201-687-8139
Deacon Jorge Montalvo Metropolitan Tribunal
Anne Moore Human Resources 973-497-4026
Meghan Moran Office of Development and Stewardship 973-497-4197
Shania Mosquera Communications 973-497-4198
Yalila Murillo Lifelong Faith Formation 973-497-4294
Thomas Murphy Human Resources 973-497-4239
Jennifer Negron Property Management Administration 973-497-4097
Nancy Negron Metropolitan Tribunal 973-497-4142
Louis Nicastro Campus Ministry
Marta Nieves Protection of the Faithful (973) 497-4329
Deacon Francis Noh Metropolitan Tribunal
Lynn Nolte Campus Ministry 973-497-4305
Rev. John Paladino Clergy Personnel 973-497-4218
Rev. Anthony Palombo Archbishop’s Office (973) 497-4005
Jessica Panagos Office of Development and Stewardship 973-497-4042
Esther Pardo Ministerio Hispano/ Hispanic Ministry 973-497-4571
Brooke Pasker Campus Ministry
Lucia Pasternak Campus Ministry 908-737-5988
Edwin Perez Respect Life / Mercy House 201-551-0788
Sebastian Perez Campus Ministry
Catherine Persico Parish and School Business Services 201-664-6364
Joseph Pescatore, K.H.S. Finance 973-497-4176
Michaela Petro Parish and School Business Services 973-497-4073
Marilyn Peña Property Management Administration 973-497-4136
Victor Pianese Office for Youth & Young Adult Ministry 201-394-0765
Rev. Charles Pinyan Clergy Personnel, Priest Sabbaticals 973-497-4222 
Sean Quinn Communications 973-497-4248
Donna Quinn Parish and School Business Services 973-497-4211
Gerri Ricci-Menegolla Office for Youth & Young Adult Ministry 201-998-0088 Ext. 4154
Cheryl Riley Respect Life / Mercy House 973-497-4350
Ursula Rivera Property Management Administration 973-497-4132
Margaret Rizzo Parish and School Business Services
Patty Rodriguez Lifelong Faith Formation 973-497-4297
Rev. Francisco Rodriguez Metropolitan Tribunal
Alexandra Rojas Communications 973-497-4569
Wiesia Rucki Parish and School Business Services
Luis Sanchez Lifelong Faith Formation 973-497-4290
Migdalia Santiago Parish and School Business Services
Most Rev. Michael Saporito Office of the Regional Bishop for Bergen County (201) 375-6442
Katricia Scantlebury Parish and School Business Services
John Schmunk Office of Priestly Vocations
Rev. Patrick Seo Office of Priestly Vocations (973) 275-3321
Nassar Shabo Property Management Administration 973-497-4120
Elena Skinner Human Resources 973-497-4089
Thomas Smith Office of Development and Stewardship 973-497-4091
Deacon Tom Smith Office for Ministry with the Deaf
Sr. Rosemary Smith Archbishop’s Office (973) 497-4292
Deacon Raj Srinivasa Metropolitan Tribunal
Jacob Stillson Respect Life / Mercy House
Most Rev. Gregory Studerus Office of the Regional Bishop for Hudson County 201-332-5970 ext. 153
Steve Taylor Respect Life / Mercy House
Maria Thomas Office of Priestly Vocations (973) 313-6190
Leonarda Tineo Protection of the Faithful 973.497.4164
Elena Torres Communications 973-497-4191
Joan Twomey Parish and School Business Services
Wanda Uceta Parish and School Business Services
Frank Valliciergo Property Management Administration 973-497-4106
Diácono Velasco Ministerio Hispano/ Hispanic Ministry 973-497-4335
Catherine Velez Human Resources 973-497-4331
Mariana Villegas Parish and School Business Services 973-497-4281
Karin Walters Clergy Personnel 973-497-4226
Rev. Jim Weiner Respect Life / Mercy House 551-338-3070
Beata Wiklinski Parish and School Business Services 732-396-4146
Arlene Wisniowski Parish and School Business Services 973-497-4306
Karen Wolf Parish and School Business Services 973-497-4072
Sr. Patricia Wormann, O.P., M.Div., M.S.W. Clergy Personnel, Office for Religious Life 973-497-4582
Elizabeth Yagual Protection of the Faithful
Sr. Dong Hong Marie Zhang, CSSF Chinese Catholic Apostolate Office: 973-497-4303 Cell: 732-519-1372
Ana Zsak Protection of the Faithful (973) 497-4307

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Archdiocesan Officials

Archbishop of Newark
Cardinal Joseph William Tobin, C.Ss.R., D.D.

Vicar General  
Very Reverend John J. Chadwick, S.T.D. 

Sr. Donna L. Ciangio, O.P., M.A., D. Min. 

Priest Secretary to the Cardinal
Rev. Anthony Palombo

Most Reverend Manuel A. Cruz, D.D., Titular Bishop of Gaguari and Auxiliary Bishop of Newark – Regional Bishop for Essex County

Most Reverend Elias R. Lorenzo, O.S.B., Titular Bishop of Tabuda and Auxiliary Bishop of Newark – Regional Bishop for Union County

Most Reverend Michael A. Saporito, Titular Bishop of Luperciana and Auxiliary Bishop of Newark – Regional Bishop for Bergen County

Most Reverend Gregory J. Studerus, Titular Bishop of Tarasa in Byzacena and Auxiliary Bishop of Newark – Regional Bishop for Hudson County

Most Reverend John W. Flesey, S.T.D., D.D., Titular Bishop of Allegheny and Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Newark

Most Reverend Dominic A. Marconi, D.D., Titular Bishop of Burie and Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Newark

Chief Operating Officer
Lawrence Boland

General Counsel
Steven Llanes, Esq.

Judicial Vicar
Very Rev. Raphael Lee, J.C.L.

Delegate for Canonical Affairs 
Sr. Rosemary Smith, S.C., J.C.D.  

Vicar for Clergy & Director of Clergy Personnel
Very Rev. Charles Pinyan

Vicar for Pastoral Life
Very Rev. John Gordon, V.F.

Chief Financial Officer
Joseph Pescatore, K.H.S.

Episcopal Vicar for Healthcare and Social Concerns
Rev. Msgr. Ronald J. Rozniak, P.A., V.G., E.V.

Executive Director of Communications and Public Relations
Maria Margiotta, M.A.

Vice Chancellor and Executive Director of Parish Business Services
Nancy Lystash, L.H.S.

Vice Chancellor & Executive Director of Human Resources; Director of Deacon Personnel
Deacon John J. McKenna, K.H.S.

Minister for Priests
Rev. Gabriel B. Costa, Ph.D. 

Delegate for Religious
Sr. Patricia Wormann, O.P., M.Div., M.S.W.

Episcopal Vicar of Education  
Rev. Stephen J. Fichter, Ph.D.

Financial Information

Access the provided files to review the policies and procedures implemented for the responsible management of funds donated by parishioners and supporters. These funds, raised through campaigns such as the Annual Appeal and We Are Living Stones, are utilized to provide support to multiple parishes, schools, and specialized ministries in the local Church of Newark.