Black History Month Jubilee Mass
SUNDAY, FEB. 16 • 2:30 PM
Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart
Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, Celebrant
Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory, Homilist
Latest Announcements
Ministry Highlights
Archbishop of Newark
Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., D.D.
Parish Locator
Guardian Angel Parish
St. John Paul II Parish
St. Henry Parish
St. Vincent de Paul Parish
Blessed Miriam Teresa Demjanovich Parish
St. Anthony of Padua Parish
St. Peter Parish
St. John the Evangelist Parish
Little Flower Parish
St. Thomas the Apostle Parish
St. Valentine Parish
Sacred Heart Parish
St. Joseph Parish
St. Aloysius Parish
St. Catherine of Siena Parish
St. Agnes Parish
Epiphany Parish
St. Mary Parish
St. Michael Parish
St. Therese of Lisieux Parish
St. Joseph Parish
St. Mary Parish
St. Anthony Parish
St. Joseph Parish
Holy Spirit/O.L.Help of Christians Parish
Holy Name of Jesus Parish
St. Joseph Parish
Holy Rosary Parish
Holy Rosary/St. Michael Parish
Immaculate Conception Parish
Immaculate Heart of Mary/St. Patrick Parish
Blessed Sacrament Parish
St. Anthony of Padua Parish
St. Genevieve Parish
St. Mary of the Assumption Parish
Our Lady of Fatima Parish
St. Adalbert/Ss. Peter & Paul Parish
St. Hedwig Parish
St. Leo Parish
Assumption Parish
St. Cecilia Parish
St. Anne Parish
St. Thomas More Parish
St. John the Baptist Parish
Our Lady of Grace Parish
Madonna Parish
Holy Trinity Parish
Most Blessed Sacrament Parish
St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish
Most Holy Name Parish
Our Lady of Mount Virgin Parish
Church of St. Anne
St. Catharine Parish
St. Joseph Parish
St. Francis of Assisi Parish
Holy Trinity Parish
Immaculate Conception Parish
Our Lady of Victories Parish
Holy Cross Parish
Our Lady of Czestochowa Parish
Corpus Christi Parish
Sacred Heart Parish
St. John the Baptist Parish
Christ the King Parish
St. Catherine of Siena Parish
St. Luke Parish
St. Ann Parish
SS Peter & Paul Parish
St. Francis of Assisi Parish
Our Lady of Grace/St. Joseph Parish
St. Leo Parish
Good Shepherd Parish
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish
St. John the Baptist Parish
Christ the King Parish
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish
St. Aedan’s
St. Nicholas Parish
St. Aloysius Parish
St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish
St. Patrick & Assumption/All Saints
St. Paul the Apostle Parish
Our Lady of Mercy Parish
St. Paul of the Cross Parish
St. Ann Parish (Polish)
St. Anne Parish
Our Lady of Czestochowa Parish
St. Michael Parish
St. Joseph Parish
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish
Our Lady of Victories Parish
St. Anthony of Padua Parish
Holy Rosary Parish
St. Stephen Parish
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish
St. Cecilia Parish
St. Theresa Parish
St. John the Evangelist Parish
St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish
Holy Family Parish
St. Theresa of the Child Jesus
St. John the Apostle Parish
St. Margaret of Cortona Parish
St. Raphael Parish
St. Philomena Parish
St. Joseph Parish
St. Francis De Sales Parish
Sacred Heart Parish
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish
St. Michael the Archangel Parish
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish
Immaculate Conception Parish
St. Andrew Kim Parish
St. Joseph Parish
Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish
Nativity Parish
Newman Center Chapel
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Oratory
St. Peter Claver Parish
St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
Ascension Parish
St. Joseph Parish
Our Lady of Peace Parish
Immaculate Conception Parish
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish
Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart
St. Augustine Parish
St. Columba Parish
St. James Parish
St. John Church
St. Patrick Pro Cathedral
Our Lady of Fatima Parish
St. Anthony of Padua Parish
St. Lucy Parish
St. Michael Parish
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
Parish of the Transfiguration
St. Stanislaus Parish
St. Rose of Lima Parish
St. Antoninus Parish
St. James Parish
St. Francis Xavier Parish
Blessed Sacrament/St. Charles Borromeo Parish
St. Casimir Parish
St. Aloysius Parish
St. Benedict Parish
Holy Trinity – Epiphany Parish
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish
Queen of Peace Parish
Our Lady of Fatima Parish
Sacred Heart Parish
Notre Dame Parish
St. Anthony Parish
Immaculate Conception Parish
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish
Holy Family Parish
St. Mary Parish
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish
St. Pius X Parish
St. John Church
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish
Our Lady of the Valley Parish
St. Michael Parish
St. Nicholas Parish
Annunciation Parish
Our Lady of the Visitation
Our Lady of Mercy Parish
St. Bernard (Parish of St. Bernard/St. Stanislaus)
St. Mary Parish
Divine Mercy Parish
St. Paul Parish
St. Matthew Parish
St. Francis of Assisi Parish
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish
St. Peter the Apostle Parish
Sacred Heart Parish
Our Lady of the Bl. Sacrament Parish
St. Joseph the Carpenter Parish
Assumption Parish
St. Mary Parish
St. Philip the Apostle Parish
Church of the Korean Martyrs
St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish
St. Bartholomew Parish
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish
Immaculate Conception Parish
St. Rose of Lima Parish
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish
St. James Parish
St. Teresa of Avila Parish
St. Anastasia Parish
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish
Holy Spirit Parish
St. Michael Parish
St. Anthony of Padua Parish
Holy Family Parish
St. Rocco/ St. Brigid Parish
St. Augustine Parish
SS Joseph And Michael Parish
St. Cassian Parish
Church of the Presentation
Our Lady of the Lake Parish
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish
St. Lawrence Church
Holy Redeemer Parish
St. Joseph of the Palisades
St. Joseph Parish
St. Anthony of Padua Oratory
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
St. Helen Parish
Holy Trinity Parish
St. Andrew Parish
Our Lady Mother of the Church
Assumption of Our Blessed Lady Parish
St. Elizabeth Parish of Hungary
St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception

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