Archbishop Calls for Aid and Prayers for Victims of Earthquake in Nepal
In the wake of news in recent days about a powerful earthquake that struck Nepal on Saturday and that continues to cause concern because of aftershocks and challenges to reach people and communities cut off from rescue, The Most Reverend John J. Myers, Archbishop of Newark, has authorized an Archdiocesan contribution to Catholic Relief Services (CRS). The Archbishop has invited all parishes in the Archdiocese to join in supporting the critical work of CRS and Caritas International, two of the most effective and prominent Catholic service organizations.
In calling on the people of the Archdiocese to support the relief effort, Archbishop Myers stated: “It is fortunate that both CRS and Caritas International have been in Nepal and northern India for many years and are already involved in the initial relief now under way. Already, these organizations’ resources in Nepal, India and China are being strained by the enormity of the situation. But as you all know, additional staff and resources are needed to bring aid and comfort to those affected.”
The Archbishop also encouraged pastors “to engage your parish communities in the coming days to augment this voluntary gift effort in whatever ways you feel are most effective at this time.”
Archbishop Myers also asked that the victims of this disaster be remembered in the General Intercessions at Mass and all other prayer services at churches and schools within the Archdiocese.
Anyone interested in making a donation may do so at any Catholic parish, or may send donations to: