Boy Scouts

Scouting is an effective way to help Catholic youths to do their duty to God and to their country. Scouting builds character and teaches devotion to God in an environment that provides wholesome fun under the guidance of strong adult role models. The scouting programs provide a wonderful channel to involve youth in the life of Catholic parishes. Young people experience Scouting as a growth into personal maturity and social responsibility. They learn to assume their role in life with a high degree of commitment, and to care for others who are less fortunate. They develop a strong desire to build a culture of goodwill, respect for the environment and acceptance of duties.


Rechartering and Chartering in the Archdiocese of Newark

Click here to read the Chief Operating Officers January 31, 2023 Memo on Rechartering

Click here to read the Cover Memo regard Catholic Scouting in the Archdiocese of Newark

Click here to read a copy of the Catholic Scouting in the Archdiocese of Newark Guidebook

In response to the ongoing bankruptcy proceedings involving the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), many dioceses in the United States contacted the Office of the General Counsel for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) to express their concerns regarding continued partnership with the Boy Scouts of America.

What was developed between the USCCB General Counsel and BSA General Counsel is an agreed upon Charter Document for Catholic Institutions.


As of January of 2023, this Charter Agreement MUST BE USED by all Archdiocesan parishes or schools that will serve as a Chartering Organization for Boy Scouts of America, a local Boy Scouts Council and/or a Boy Scouts Scouting Unit.  A new updated Catholic Charter Agreement may be available in the spring 2024.

Under this charter agreement, the local pastor (or school official) has full control over the local Boy Scout unit. In this way, the Boy Scouts can be understood as part of the parish’s pastoral ministries with children and youth.   

The parish would also own all the unit’s property and assumes liability for any claims that arise out of scouting activities. The BSA does provide general liability insurance coverage and broad indemnification for any lawsuits brought against the parish for scouting activities. The charter agreement has been the traditional model used for partnerships with the BSA. As a chartering partner, the local pastor (or school official) appoints a Charter Organization Representative (COR) who represents the Catholic entity to the scouting unit.

The local pastor (or school official) approves adult leadership and has the authority to remove adult leadership. Through the COR, the parish or school sets the direction of the program, especially as it relates to faith formation.

All adult leadership would receive the same safe-environment and other trainings required by the parish to ensure a safe and faithful environment for youth in scouting. This model also ensures that pastors and pastoral leaders can regularly instill Catholic values, spirituality, and moral teachings in their approach to accompanying young people through the scouting experience.

Catholic Boy Scout Resources

Scouting Leadership and Responsibilities

For parishes that sponsor Boy Scout Troops and Cub Scout Packs, the following explain the leadership structure and the responsibilities that different individuals have in the parish and in the Troop or Pack:
Scouting Leadership and Responsibilities Attachment

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)Regarding Scouting

Boy Scout Contact Information Submission Form

Basic Information on the Scouting Unit

Charter Organization Rep Information(Required)
Cubmaster/ Scoutmaster/ Advisor or Skipper Information(Required)

Religous Emblems Coordinator Information

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

BSA Membership Changes

UPDATE August 1st, 2015

In July BSA made changes in regard to the policies for those that are allowed to be adult leaders.

-a Statement from Bishop Guglielmone, the Epispical Liason from the USCCB to the Catholic Boy Scouts along with a Document on Frequently asked questions.

– a Statement from the National Catholic Committee on Scouting in regard to these recent changes in Adult Leaders

As of January 1, 2014, the BSA membership policy changes were put into effect. The attachments have been provided to help answer questions that Scout Leaders, Pastors, and Scout parents might have.
-the official response approved by the National Chair, the Executive Committee and Bishop Robert Guglielmone the Episcopal Liaison from the United State Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).
– a Frequently Asked Question document regarding the changes that took effect January 1, 2014.
-the Boy Scout of America Resolution regarding Insurance and Indemnification of Chartered Organizations and Use of Charter Agreement in Civil Litigation and a list Frequently Asked Questions. These are these official responses from NCCS and BSA.


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