Called Rally Information Page

Here is everything you need to know for the CALLED Rally Day

Make sure you are wearing your name tag, and please stay with your ASSIGNED group number for the day!

Called February 24, 2024 Schedule     

9:30am         Doors Open/ Check In /Exhibits

10:00am       Music Warm Up/ Exhibits  

10:20am       Welcome, Icebreakers

            Day Intro/ Prayer / Explanation of the Day

11:05am       MOVE TIME to workshops

11:20am       Workshop Round 1

Gifts of the Holy Spirit Pod Workshops

Called to Be Who God Made You                      St. Ann Room              Grp 1

Called to Gods Family as a Child of God          St. Peter Room          Grp 2

Called to a Vocation                                          St. JPII Chapel   Grp 3

Fruits of the Holy Spirit Pod Workshops

Called to Be Who God Made You                     Sacred Heart Hall          Grp 4

Called to God’s Family as a Child of God        Don Bosco Room           Grp 5

Called to a Vocation                                        St. Benedict Room           Grp 6


The St. Ann Room, St Peter Room and St. Benedict Rooms are all located in Bert Hall.  This is the basement level of the Gym Building.   You can take the staircases from the gym down or enter from the driveway side entrance.

Sacred Heart Hall is in the basement level of the Sacred Heart Chapel Building (old red brick church) Entrance is from parking lot rear of the building.

The Don Bosco Room is located beneath the Dining Hall. Entrance is DOWN THE BLACK STAIRCASE located by the Turf Field.

The St. JP II Chapel is located off the courtyard of our Prayer Garden. You can access this from the staircase just past the “Jesus” bushes.

12:10pm       MOVE TIME to Lunch (in Dining Hall)
or General Session (in the Gym)

12:15pm       Lunch Session 1              Gifts of the HS Pod (Groups 1-3)

                    General Session 1/ Exhibits      Fruits of the HS Pod (Groups 4-6)

1pm            MOVE TIME to Lunch (in Dining Hall)
or General Session (in the Gym)

1:15pm         Lunch Session 2                 Fruits of the HS Pod (Groups 4-6)

                   General Session 2/ Exhibits        Gifts of the HS Pod (Groups 1-3)

2pm               MOVE TIME to workshops

2:15pm         Workshop Round 2

Gifts of the Holy Spirt Pod Workshops

Called to Be Who God Made You                       St. Ann Room                   Grp 2

Called to Gods Family as a Child of God            St. Peter Room            Grp 3

Called to a Vocation                                            St JPII Chapel                 Grp 1

Fruits of the Holy Spirit Pod Workshops

Called to Be Who God Made You                       Sacred Heart Hall             Grp 5

Called to God’s Family as a Child of God            Don Bosco Room            Grp 6

Called to a Vocation                                            St. Benedict Room           Grp 4


The St. Ann Room, St Peter Room and St. Benedict Rooms are all located in Bert Hall.  This is the basement level of the Gym Building.   You can take the staircases from the gym down or enter from the driveway side entrance.

Sacred Heart Hall is in the basement level of the Sacred Heart Chapel Building (old red brick church) Entrance is from parking lot rear of the building.

The Don Bosco Room is located beneath the Dining Hall. Entrance is DOWN THE BLACK STAIRCASE located by the Turf Field.

The St. JP II Chapel is located off the courtyard of our Prayer Garden. You can access this from the staircase just past the “Jesus” bushes.


3:05pm         MOVE TIME to Gym for Closing Mass

                                    Go to the Bathroom BEFORE you sit down for Mass

                                  Please make sure your phones are silenced or off.

Please throw out your gum BEFORE entering for Mass.

                                  You DO NOT need your phone now until after Mass

3:20pm         Mass Prep/ Call to Prayer  

3:30pm         Closing Liturgy

4:30pm         Day Ends