Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry
CALLED Youth Rally Days
Gather a Group from your Parish or School and Come Join us!
“CALLED” are our Youth Rally/ Retreat Days. These days are an opportunity for ALL middle and high school students and teens preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation OR for Middle School/ High School Youth Ministry Programs to gather. Small parishes and large parishes will be represented. Participants will have fun, meet new friends, pray, learn, laugh and have the opportunity to grow in their faith.
Who can attend CALLED?
-Confirmation Classes
-High School Youth Ministry Programs
-Jr. High / Middle School Programs
The 2024-2025 CALLED Rally Dates will be
-Saturday January 25th, 2025 (LIMITED Spots available – please contact Rich Donovan)
-Saturday February 22nd, 2025 (35 Spots Available as of 1/28/2025)
-Saturday April 5, 2025 (CLOSED – No Spots remaining)
The cost for the day will be $40 for youth participants and $20 for adults. The day will include music, prayer, breakouts general sessions, lunch, closing Mass and more. CALLED will take place at the St. John Paul II Youth Retreat Center, 499 Belgrove Drive, Kearny. All groups/ participants must be accompanied by a chaperone. All chaperones must be Safe Environment compliant.
Called is an opportunity for young people in our Archdiocese to gather and learn more about their faith and meet others from around the Archdiocese. The day works great for those preparing for Confirmation, or even teens from a parish Youth Ministry Program looking for an event to attend! The day includes prayer, music, breakout sessions, lunch, Mass and more!
There are 3 CALLED Rally Days – you pick the one that works best for your program/ parish!
Saturday January 25th, 2025
Saturday February 22nd, 2025
Saturday April 5th, 2025
Arrival is to the Gym Building at the St. John Paul II Youth Retreat Center, 499 Belgrove Drive Kearny. Doors will open at 10am for check in. The day concludes with Closing Mass at 4pm and will end by 5pm.
All junior high or high school students in grades 7-12 during the 2024-2025 school year are invited to attend. Registration and attendance is by a group only. We require an official chaperone ratio of 1:10. This means that there must be one Safe Environment cleared and trained chaperone, age 21 or above, for every 10 youth registered. Safe Environment trained Young Adults, age 18-20, may attend as adult leaders, but do not count toward the chaperone ratios.
Registration takes place entirely online. A parish/ school should identify a Group Leader – PCL, Youth Minister, Clergy, etc and they should complete the Online Registration Form to secure spots. A sample permission slip for the day is provided on the CALLED Rally page and should be collected and carried by the Group Leader the day of the event.
The cost for the day is $40 per teen, and $20 per adult leader. Cost includes all programming for the day and lunch. Payment may be sent via mail, or turned in the day of the event. Checks should be made payable to “Archdiocese of
If mailing, please send it to:
Office for Youth & Young Adult Ministry
499 Belgrove Drive
Kearny NJ 07032
We would ask you to convey this to our office no later than FIVE days before the event so that appropriate plans can be made.
Group Leaders and the Adult Chaperones that a parish/ school bring for the day are responsible to oversee the teens they bring in their group, their behavior and typical medical needs that might occur. Chaperones and Group Leaders should sit with their teens in the General Sessions, and attend breakouts as well. If a medical situation occurs you can alert Archdiocesan Staff that will be present that day for assistance.
We would LOVE for your priest to join us for ANY part of the day. There is no program cost for priests, religious, seminarians, or deacons to attend! We would just ask that you either alert us ahead of time that someone is coming, or have them contact Rich Donovan at to let us know. Our Closing Mass is at 4pm. All Priests are invited to concelebrate if they wish to.
Please know that we are keeping a pulse on the current realities regarding Covid-19 and are making plans accordingly while also following the current guidance from the Governors Office and the Archdiocese of Newark. As of right now there are NO COVID REQUIREMENTS for masking or proof of vaccination. However should anything change we would convey that to all group leaders as soon as possible. Due to the fluid nature of the shifting landscape that impacts our planning efforts, the Office for Youth & Young Adult Ministry appreciates your patience and understanding!