CYO Athletics
Building on a long tradition of Athletics in the Archdiocese, the Office for Youth & Young Adult Ministry sponsors , coordinates and carries out various sports leagues for our grammar aged students in the counties of the Archdiocese for those that attend Religious Education in our Archdiocese, or that attend our Archdiocesan Grammar Schools.
The Office for Youth & Young Adult Ministry DOES NOT sponsor teams. Parishes and Schools create teams and then join leagues. It is not like in a town’s Recreation Program where children “sign up” to play. Registrations for teams take place at the PARISH or SCHOOL LEVEL.
CYO Girl’s Fall Volleyball
Once again this Fall we will be offering Girls Volleyball in all four counties of our Archdiocese.
Please complete a separate form for EACH TEAM you plan to submit.
CYO Volleyball Forms
CYO Basketball
Required Safe Environment Clearance for all CYO Coaches/ Volunteers
In the Archdiocese of Newark ANY and ALL Coaches and Volunteers are required to have the proper Safe Environment Clearance BEFORE they being coaching or working with young people.