Office of Development
“Stewardship is what we do, with what we have, when we believe in God.”
Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R.
The Office of Development and Stewardship exists to cultivate and promote stewardship as a way of life throughout the Archdiocese of Newark. Through their gifts of time, talent and treasure, Catholics actively build the Kingdom of God and advance the mission of the universal Church – to boldly proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, to pass on the Faith to the next generation, particularly through the celebration of the Sacraments, and to care for the poor, the vulnerable, and those on the margins.
What is Stewardship?
Stewardship is the response of a grateful heart for all the gifts bestowed on us by God. Stewardship is the willing return of the first measure of our time, talent, and treasure to God for all that He has done for Us. Our greatest gift from God is Jesus Christ. Following Jesus is the work of a lifetime. Stewardship brings us closer to the joy of living a life filled with Christ.
The use of our time, talent and treasure are of equal importance and should be linked together in our day-to-day life.
Time is from God. A person only has one chance to use their time, it cannot be recovered. Time is made holy or unholy by its use. Examples of time would be prayer, time with family, and spending time cultivating our talents.
Our talents are a direct result of the time we invest in them. Examples of talents are the ability to teach (religious education instructor), the ability to sing (leader of song, choir), and our profession. There are certainly many different talents that people possess that can be used to help build God’s kingdom. Your particular talents are your foundation for the treasure that you have.
If you are a carpenter, the money you earn by your skill gives you the treasure that you have. The treasure that you return to God is a decision that you make based on your relationship with Him. An ongoing evaluation of your time, talent, and treasure combined with fruitful prayerful relationship with Jesus Christ will bring all of us to the Stewardship way of life.
Mission in the Turks and Caicos Islands
Missio Sui Iuris
In July of 1998, at the request of the Holy See, the Archdiocese of Newark provided two priests to serve the Catholic community of the Turks and Caicos Islands on a full time basis. In the Fall of 1998 the Archdiocese of Newark, assumed responsibility of the Roman Catholic Missio Sui Iuris of Turks and Caicos Islands.
On the January 6, 2017, Joseph William Cardinal Tobin succeeded John J. Myers as Archbishop of Newark and as Ecclesiastical Superior of the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Presently serving as Vicar General is Reverend Monsignor Ronald J. Rozniak, P.A., Protonotary Apostolic of the Archdiocese of Newark. The mission serves two parishes, one chapel and a thriving Catholic school, Holy Family Academy.
Holy Family Academy
In 2004, after twenty years of missionary service to the Turks and Caicos Islands, it became very clear there was a need to establish a school in order to support families and children on the islands. This vision became Holy Family Academy. Holy Family Academy currently serves families and children from Pre-K through high school.
Making a Gift
To support the Mission of Holy Family Academy or the Catholic Church in the Turks and Caicos Islands, contact the Office of Development and Stewardship at or please call (973) 497-4126