Inclusive Family Mass Schedule

Very often, individuals who have developmental, intellectual and/or other disabilities and those who love them do not feel comfortable attending their local parish liturgy, although they ARE very welcome. Inclusive Family Masses address this concern and invites you in particular to come and enjoy celebrating the Eucharist with other members of the surrounding community. This is an outgrowth of the successful experience that has been offered by the Church of the Nativity in Midland Park once a month from October through June for many years. The purpose of this series is not to suggest a separate Church for people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. However, very often you do not feel welcome attending your local parish liturgy. You have either been told directly that your son or daughter does not belong, or have experienced the quiet stares which speak volumes of inhospitality. As Catholics we profess that the Mass is the source which fuels the life of the Church and all her people, as well as the summit toward which we journey. So they stay away from the very thing which we believe will strengthen us for the road and provide a foretaste of the heavenly banquet. All are welcome.
Desired Outcome
People and families living with developmental disabilities take great comfort in having the opportunity to celebrate God’s presence in their lives, without worrying about feeling embarrassed or being stared at by fellow worshipers for the “different” or “distracting” behaviors of themselves, their son or daughter, sister, or brother. Also, experience of liturgies such as these has already given confidence to some families to attend their local parish’s regular Mass.
A Request
Please help spread the word about these Masses to interested families by announcing the series in your bulletin, posting the Inclusive Family Mass flyer on your parish bulletin board, and sharing it with any families you think would be interested. If you would like to know how your parish may host Inclusive Family Masses, either alone or in collaboration with other parishes, please contact Anne Masters, director for the office of Pastoral Ministry with Persons with Disabilities for the Newark Archdiocese at 973-497-4309 or
Very often, individuals who have developmental, intellectual and/or other disabilities and those who love them do not feel comfortable attending their local parish liturgy, although they ARE very welcome. Inclusive Family Masses address this concern and invites them in particular to come and enjoy celebrating the Eucharist with other members of the surrounding community. All are welcome.