Homily text (English & Spanish): Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., celebrates Mass via livestream on the fifth Sunday of Lent
Fifth Sunday of Lent – Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma
Chancery Chapel – Capilla del Centro Pastoral Arquidiocesano
March 29, 2020 – el 29 de marzo del 2020
During this season of fasting, voluntary or involuntary, God provides a rich and incredibly encouraging meal today, the Fifth Sunday of Lent. We are understandably drawn to the Gospel, the long account of the raising of Lazarus, the beloved friend of Jesus.
Today this story cannot help but resonate in experiences of us all, yesterday or today. Who of us has never mourned the death of a beloved? How many of us have felt cheated of the opportunity to say good-bye, or – especially today – been tortured by the incompleteness of the funeral? How many of us have whispered or wailed to God the jagged rebuke, “Lord, if you had been here…”.
Yes, the long story of the raising of Lazarus can and does connect with many of our emotions. But it also should raise questions, crucial questions that can help us enter more deeply and – yes – more hopefully into the sacred mysteries. Questions like these: Why didn’t Jesus come immediately to the bedside of his sick friend? Why did he weep – the reading mentions twice that he wept. Was it empathy or frustration? Where was he really leading his friends and critics?
We learn at the beginning of the reading, Lazarus is ill. But, for Jesus, that disease will not end in death but will serve to give glory to God. Therein lies the key to Jesus’ message to us: we are not sick to death. Or rather, death is not necessarily fatal. Especially when Jesus is involved. Then a greater force is at work, a force stronger than death, a force capable of saying, “Take away the stone,” despite the stench of the one who has been buried for four days. A power capable of shouting, “Lazarus, come out!” It is the strength of Jesus, the one who says of himself that, “he is the resurrection and the life.”
Like last Sunday’s story of the healing of the blind man, the point is not so much the miracle but who brings it about. We return to the Gospel and remember that, within days of these events, Jesus will die, be buried and rise again. What’s the difference between the two resurrection stories? They are infinitely different.
The resurrection of Jesus is a resurrection forward, what happens to Lazarus takes backward – back to the life he knew. Jesus dies no more; Lazarus eventually died. Lazarus stumbles out of the tomb, still bound by the burial garments, and needs others to set him free. Jesus needs no such assistance. His shroud and burial cloth have been folded and cast aside.
The power of Jesus confronts the two deaths we can suffer: the death of the body and the death of the heart. He is the resurrection and the life, both here and hereafter.
We need to read this story carefully and let the words of Jesus reach our hearts. We may well come to understand that we are deathly ill. We understand that pride, envy, the desire for independence, contempt, and so many other viruses affect our being and are slowly killing us. While Covid-19 will eventually be conquered, after so many years of science and research, we still do not have medicines that truly cure the diseases that leave us as the walking dead. We end up living a death-life that leads nowhere. We curl up into ourselves and move away from the one who is the source of life.
Jesus invites us to come out of the cave, out of the pit in which we’ve ended up. He invites us to recognize that we do not have the strength to exit on our own. He reaches out to us and brings us into light – he also said, “I am the light of the world” (Jn 12,1). And, although at first we cannot walk well because of the burial clothes that cling to us, if we dare to leave the tomb we soon discover that Jesus is the sun that warms us the most, that it is a pleasure to be by his side, that he is the bread that gives life, that he is the vine and we are the branches. Jesus will use others to free us from the self-imposed bonds. After all, he commissioned his disciples to “raise the dead,” those who have suffered the death of the heart.
In this way, Jesus fulfills the ancient promise of the vision of Ezekiel: to free people from their graves and to give us a land to live forever. In Jesus we already live according to the Spirit. The force of sin that kills us can no longer harm us. Jesus is not merely a messianic wonderworker; he is our Savior, the victor over sin and death.
La cuestión que hoy nos podemos plantear es la siguiente: ¿De qué se murió Lázaro? Si el domingo pasado, la lectura del Evangelio nos hablaba del ciego de nacimiento y nos hacía pensar que el ciego no lo era sólo en el sentido físico, sino que tampoco podía ver la verdad que es Jesús, hoy podemos pensar que la muerte que afecta a Lázaro es también algo diferente de la muerte física.
Lázaro, se dice al principio de la lectura, está enfermo. Pero, para Jesús, esa enfermedad no terminará en muerte, sino que servirá para dar gloria a Dios. Ahí está la clave del mensaje de Jesús para nosotros: no estamos enfermos de muerte. O, mejor dicho, la muerte no es mortal de necesidad. Sobre todo, cuando Jesús está por medio. Entonces se impone una fuerza mayor, una fuerza más fuerte que la muerte, una fuerza capaz de decir “Quitad la losa” a pesar del hedor del que lleva cuatro días enterrado, una fuerza capaz de gritar “Lázaro, ven afuera”. Es la fuerza de Jesús, el que dice de sí mismo que “es la resurrección y la vida”.
Necesitamos leer con atención este relato y dejar que sus palabras, las de Jesús, nos lleguen al corazón. Porque sabemos que estamos enfermos de muerte. Somos muy conscientes de que el orgullo, la envidia, el deseo de independencia, el desprecio, y tantos otros virus afectan a nuestro ser y nos van matando poco a poco. Después de tantos años de ciencia e investigación, todavía no tenemos unas medicinas que curen de verdad esas enfermedades, que nos matan en vida. Terminamos viviendo una muerte-vida que no lleva a ningún lugar. Nos enroscamos en nosotros mismos y nos alejamos del que es la fuente de la vida.
Jesús nos invita a salir de la cueva, de la fosa, en que nos hemos metido nosotros mismos. Nos invita a reconocer que no tenemos fuerzas para salir nosotros solos. Nos tiende la mano y nos saca a la luz – también dijo “Yo soy la luz del mundo”. Y aunque al principio no podemos caminar bien porque las vendas nos lo impiden, enseguida descubrimos, si nos atrevemos a salir, que él, Jesús, es el sol que más calienta, que da gusto estar a su lado, que es el pan que da la vida, que él es la vid y nosotros los sarmientos. Dicho de otra manera, que Jesús es la Vida-Vida, la Vida-Viva.
Jesús realiza así la antigua promesa de sacar al pueblo de sus sepulcros y de darnos una tierra donde vivir para siempre. En Jesús vivimos ya según el Espíritu. La fuerza del pecado que n os mata ya no puede nada contra nosotros. Jesús es el vencedor del pecado y de la muerte.
Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R.
Archbishop of Newark