Mental Health Ministry

National Catholic Mental Health Campaign

Novena for Mental Health Begins October 10

Join the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in the Mental Health Novena Campaign, a nine-day prayer initiative focused on promoting mental wellness. Together, we can foster compassion and support for those facing mental health challenges, reminding us that mental health is essential to our overall well-being. Participate in this journey of hope and healing.

Sanctuary Course for Catholics

We are offering the Sanctuary Course for Catholics Monday evenings from September 25- November 20 (no meeting Oct 9) from 7:30-9:00 via Zoom. This serves as an introduction to Mental Health Ministry from a Catholic perspective.

From there, we will start exploring parishes within the Archdiocese that would like to begin Mental Health ministries. However, we wanted to start with a common foundation for understanding of Mental Health.

Additional Resources

Mental Illness with Grace: A five-part series

Awareness • Acceptance • Accompaniment

Creating a safe place where people will feel comfortable in sharing their story and be supported in their spiritual journey. This course was offered during September and October for those interested in forming Parish Mental Health Ministry Teams.


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