My Beautiful One

If you or someone you know has received a prenatal diagnosis, you are not alone.

Our ministry of accompaniment supports parents carrying to term following a prenatal diagnosis, from diagnosis through pregnancy, birth, and whatever lies ahead, for up to one year. We believe that every baby is a gift – a beautiful one – whose life matters, and who possesses inherent value and dignity. 

We will accompany you on this journey in a way that best suits you and your family. Our Parent Care Coordinators have received extensive training to serve parents in this area and can offer help with:

  • spiritual support
  • understanding decision points along the way
  • writing birth plans
  • writing newborn care plans
  • memory making
  • funeral planning if necessary, and grief support

Our support for babies and parents is rooted in the Catholic Church’s teaching about the beauty and sanctity of life, from conception to natural death, no matter how frail or brief a life may be.

If you are a parent seeking information or support, click here to complete our contact form. We will respond to your request for support within 24 hours.

All other questions and those seeking more information about the My Beautiful One Ministry may contact us at There is no fee or obligation. While our service is rooted in the ethical teachings of the Catholic Church, we serve parents of all faiths.

My Beautiful One ministry does not provide healthcare advice or treatment, does not collect any payments for services provided, and is not a covered entity engaging in covered transactions under HIPAA.

“Arise, my darling, my beautiful one.” Song of Songs 2:10


Leah Sonnick

Parent Care Coordinator

Kathleen Ranft

Parent Care Coordinator

Contact My Beautiful One Ministry
