Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry
The Archdiocese of Newark is committed to safety of our young people. In the Archdiocese of Newark any and all adults that work/ volunteer with young people MUST have Safe Environment Clearance.
This means all of our Girl & Boy Scout Leaders, Youth Ministry Volunteers and Staff, and CYO Coaches and Sports Volunteers that assist our many programs must complete all the steps to be in compliance. This is more than just attending a class.
Once you have been identified as new leader/ volunteer/ coach for your parish/school/ unit you must attend in person Safe Envirinment Training.
Attendance at a in person Virtus Protecting God’s Children workshop is required in the first 30 days of service by all clergy and employees. The same is required for volunteers who encounter minors as part of their service. Every five years, the training must be updated, either with another in-person class, or via a monthly and annual commitment online.
You can attend a PGC Workshop at any parish/ school in the Archdiocese. Click here to get the latest listing of all Safe Environment Workshops being offered in the Archdiocese
Once you are on the Workshop Listing Page, at the top of the page you will see a button that says, “START REGISTRATION”. After you click this button just follow the prompts to create your account and enter your information. You will eventually choose the workshop location and date you wish to attend.
Criminal background checks are required of volunteers who encounter minors as part of their service. Every five years, the background check is re-run.
Criminal background checks are required before the first day of service by all clergy and employees. All checks except for school teachers are done through Sterling. School teachers are fingerprinted as part of the NJ DOE process and are valid as long as the person is an NJ school teacher.
No Credit Check is ever done as part of the Archdiocese of Newark Sterling background checks. For a summary of your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, please click here
As a new volunteer there are three documents that the Archdiocese requires you to complete and return so that a permanent file can be created for you. PLEASE NOTE: Your parish/ school might have additional paperwork that they may ask you to complete as well.
The required paperwork incudes:
-a completed Volunteer Application (Paid Staff would complete an Employment Application)
-a completed Declaration Page (this is used for your Background Screening)
-a completed Archdiocesan Code of Ethics Form
All Volunteers/ Staff Should read through the Archdiocesan Policies on Professional and Ministerial Conduct.
Download a copy of all the Forms that need to be completed and submitted
by clicking Here
Each parish/ school in the Archdiocese should have a “Local Safe Envirinment Coordinator” or LSEC that helps to oversee the paperwork and Safe Environemnt at your parish/ school.
You should also submit to your LSEC the competed packet of your Volunteer Application, the Declaration Page and your Code of Ethics Form.
In addition, after you attend your PGC Workshop you will be given a copy of your PGC Certificate, stating you completed the in person training. A copy of the certificate should be submitted to your LSEC as well.
Your Program Director, Coordinator of Youth Ministry or Charter Org Representative should be able to identify who your LSEC is. You could also always contact the Parish or School Office and inquire.
Only after you have completed an in person PGC session and have obtained your certificate, completed the required paperwork and been notified your background check returned no adverse conditions should you begin your volunteering as a coach, scout leader or youth ministry volunteer.
The Office for Youth & Young Adult Ministry thanks you for you not only stepping forward to walk with young people in this important minstry – but for completing the necessary steps to ensure that we can make all of our parish and school environments as safe as possible!