Parish Finance Councils
The parish finance council is responsible for assisting the Pastor with parish financial planning and administration, with the specific mandate to assist the pastor in the administration of temporal goods. A finance council is essential to parish life in supporting the mission of the parish and planning for the future.
Parish Finance Council Webinars 2024-25
The Offices of Parish Mission and Vitality, Development and Parish Finance are offering webinars throughout the year for Parish Finance Councils. Different topics will appeal to new Parish Finance Council members, existing members, Pastors/Administrators, Parish Business Managers and Parish Staff.
Recordings: Parish Finance Council Webinars 2024-25
Click the webinar title to watch the recordings and review the materials
Parish Administration Manual
The Parish Administrative Manual serves as a guide to assist parish staff in their day-to-day performance of administrative and management functions. It serves as a consolidated reference document about the operations and programs of the Archdiocese of Newark. The major sections are equivalent to the functional activities of a parish/school.