Parish Pastoral Councils

Parish Council Workshop Schedule

Walking together as a Synodal Church

Parish Pastoral Councils are essential to parish life in assisting in developing the mission of the parish and planning for the future. The Archdiocese is offering workshops to look at the purpose of Parish Pastoral Councils, how to form the councils, ways to do practical parish planning, and best practices of successful councils and parishes.

Parish Pastoral Guidelines Manual

The Parish Pastoral Guidelines manual of the Archdiocese of Newark is designed to help parishes develop their councils in order to surface and guide the pastoral planning and ministry needs of the local area.  The manual begins with an introduction from Cardinal Tobin on the importance of parish pastoral councils followed by six chapters:

• Articles of Understanding
• Leading Meetings Effectively
• Exploring a Consultative Model
• The Consensus Process
• Resolving Conflicts
• Decision Making: A Way Forward

The Appendix contains prayers and sample agenda to help plan meetings. These guidelines are designed so that the contents can be updated and revised on an ongoing basis.

Information for newly formed councils or new members of existing councils

Visioning for the Mission: An Introduction to Parish Councils

6 part series

This course provides the necessary steps to develop, grow and strengthen a vibrant parish council. Learners will gain insight and clarity on parish council protocols and best practices.

Parish Vitality: Creating a Sense of Welcome

3 part series

The results of our Synod on Synodality listening sessions cited welcome and hospitality as top needs in parishes. Learn how to make people feel like they are a part of your community.

Leading a Meeting Effectively

This course offers best practices to prepare for and lead effective meetings.

Discernment and Consensus Building

Learn how to discern and make decisions together to build unity in parish staffs, councils, ministries and other parish activities/organizations.

How the Archdiocese works

Gain a deeper understanding of how the Archdiocese operates to serve the community and foster spiritual growth.

Best practices

Share your best practices in ministry here to help other pastors, staff, and parish pastoral councils work with their parish communities:
Parish Best Practices Form

Welcome, Hospitality and Outreach