Register for Walking Together in Solidarity with Synod: Session One
The Synod on Synodality Session One will take place in Rome during the month of October. Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has asked all Catholics to pray for the intercession of the Holy Spirit during the synodal session. Each week of the session has a theme: Synodality, Communion, Mission, and Participation. Our Archdiocese will host gatherings each week. The gatherings in English will be on Zoom 7-8:30 PM on Wednesdays in October. The sessions will include prayer, a short introduction to the theme of the week, faith sharing, and other reflections.
Click to register for a session. Please register to assure a spot and the Zoom link will be sent to you:
For more information about the Sessions in Spanish, follow this link:
Choose any or all of the sessions to attend: