Religious Communities of Women |
Apostolic Sisters of Saint John | Benedictine Sisters of Baltimore O.S.B. |
Benedictine Sisters of Elizabeth O.S.B. | Bernardine Franciscan Sisters O.S.F. |
Caritas Sisters of Miyazaki C.S.M. | Congregation of Hermanas Misioneras del Corazon de Jesus H.M.C.J. |
Congregation of Kkottongnae Sisters of Jesus C.K.S.J. | Congregation of St. Martha C.S.M. |
Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace C.S.J.P. | Congregation of the School Sisters of Notre Dame S.S.N.D. |
Daughters of Mary Mother of Mercy D.M.M.M. | Daughters of Divine Love D.D.L. |
Daughters of Mary D.M. | Daughters of the Heart of Mary D.H.M. |
Dominican Sisters of Blauvelt O.P. | Dominican Sisters of Caldwell O.P. |
Dominican Sisters of Hope O.P. | Dominican nuns of the Perpetual Rosary O.P. |
Felician Sisters C.S.S.F. | Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart F.M.S.C. |
Franciscan Sisters of Allegany O.S.F. | Franciscan Sisters of Peace F.S.P. |
Franciscan Sisters of St. Elizabeth F.S.S.E. | Holy Family Sisters of the Needy H.F.S.N. |
Little Sisters of the Immaculate conception L.S.I.C. | Missionaries of Charity M.C. |
Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing O.S.B. | Missionary Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception M.F.I.C. |
| Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate P.V.M.I. |
Pallottine Sisters C.S.A.C. | Religious Teachers Filippini M.P.F. |
Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary I.H.M. | Salesian Sisters F.M.A. |
School Sisters of Saint Francis O.S.F. | Sisters of Christian Charity S.C.C. |
Sisters of Charity of St. Elizabeth S.C. | Sisters of Mercy of the Americas R.S.M. |
Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help S.O.L.P.H. | Sisters of Peace Pentecost S.P.P. |
Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia O.S.F. | Sisters of St. Francis of the Neumann Communities O.S.F. |
Sisters of St. John the Baptist C.S.J.B. | Sisters of St. Joseph of Chestnut Hill S.S.J. |
Sisters of the Divine Compassion R.D.C. | Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Mother of Christ I.H.M. |
Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary P.B.V.M. | Society of the Holy Child Jesus S.H.C.J. |
| Vocationist Sisters S.D.V. |