Respect Life Office

The mission of the Respect Life Office is to promote the Catholic Church’s teaching on the respect, care, and protection of human life from conception to natural death. Our office services as a liaison to clergy, religious and laity in order to assist in affirming the dignity of life and provide support to people in need.

Join pro-life advocates to peacefully pray and march together for the dignity of the human person

March for Life

Thursday, September 26, 2024 • Trenton, New Jersey

Mass for Life

Thursday, September 26, 2024 • 9:30 a.m.

Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption
149 North Warren Street Trenton, New Jersey 08608


2025 Retreat Dates

Hope… Healing… Forgiveness

NJCC Statement on S3452/4601

The Mercy House

Post Abortion Healing

Family and Pro-Life News Briefs

Each month, the latest issue of Family & Pro Life News Briefs for Catholics can be found here.  The newsletters are edited by Frank Tinari, Ph,D, Prof. Emeritus, Seton Hall University.  Each issue focuses on news stories and events that deal with life issues, such as abortion, suicide stem cell research and many others. 

Courage International

Through this ministry, people who experience same-sex attraction receive pastoral support through spiritual guidance, community prayer support and fellowship.

Our Archdiocesan contact is Deacon Vincent DeFedele. A confidential voice message can be left for him at: 201-220-3968 or to Our Archdiocesan Chaplain is Rev. Msgr. Timothy J. Shugrue in St Michael’s Church Cranford NJ at 908-276-0360.

Equal Rights for Babies in the Womb

The goal of this organization is to ban abortion in New Jersey past 20 weeks (post-fertilization) by passing A-2228/S-429, the “Pain-Capable Child Protection Act.”
Some of the ways you can get involved include:
1. Raising awareness with car magnets.
2. Prayer Project
3. Contact your state senator and ask them to support A-2228/S-429, the “Pain Capable Child Protection Act.”
4. March with supporters of Equal Rights for Babies in the Womb.

Additional Information

Post Abortion Healing
  • Rachel’s Vineyard is a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion.  Weekend retreats offer a supportive, confidential and non-judgemental environment where women and men can express, release and reconcile post-abortive emotions to begin the process of restoration, renewal and healing.  We will be offering a retreat on the following weekends:

For more information on Rachel’s Vineyard, click here: Welcome to Rachel’s Vineyard: a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion. (

Are you in need of healing for the pain from abortion?

You are not alone.

We’re here for you 24/7.

Call 866-721-7881 or visit

Hope After Abortion Video

We are proud to share this beautiful video written by Dan Young.  His faith and love for God are readily apparent. Thank you Dan for making this video.

The pain of abortion never goes away. When we allow ourselves to name and grieve our babies we give them the dignity they deserve.

If you or someone you know is suffering from the affects of abortion. There is hope and healing.

More resources:

Memorials to the Unborn

Sexual Abuse Healing

If you or someone you know is a survivor abuse, help is available.  Several programs exist to provide hope and healing:

  • Grief to Grace is a retreat program that helps those who have endured physical, sexual and or spiritual abuse find healing.  Grief to Grace has served thousands across the country and world since 2005.  More information about the retreats can be found here:  Grief to Grace
  • The Way is a free,3-day guided meditation and prayer program for men and women who have been abused.  It is an opportunity for healing and for survivors to reflect on God’s plan for their lives. For more information visit,
End of Life Issues

As Catholics, we respect all life from conception to natural death.  End of life issues, such as the proper treatment of the sick, living wills, advanced healthcare directives, and capital punishment are a source for much discussion.  When dealing with these issues and others, clear and sensitive direction is needed. In this section, you’ll find some documents and resources which highlight these topics:

A Catholic Perspective on end of Life Issues

Living Wills (Advanced Healthcare Directives)

Advanced Directives are legal documents that come into effect when an individal becomes incapacitated and can no longer make medical decisions for themselves. There are various forms these directives can take including power of attorney for health care, health care proxy, a living will, medical orders and more. Be sure to read the following statement shared by the New Jersey Catholic Conference:

Advance Directives – New Jersey Catholic Conference – Trenton, NJ (

For more information about Catholic Advanced Directives call the Respect Life office at (973)-497-4350 for a copy.

Capital Punishment

Click here to read the statement shared by the Catholic Bishops of New Jersey:

Death Penalty – New Jersey Catholic Conference – Trenton, NJ (

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Jacob Stillson
Part- Time Mercy House Logistics Coordinator
171 Clifton Avenue
Newark, New Jersey 07104

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