Special website section offers stories of hope, of faith, and of love emerging from the darkness
Amidst the uncertainty of these difficult times, there are stories of hope, of faith, and of love emerging from the darkness. Those are the stories we want to share with you – stories of hospital chaplains on the front lines, parishioners volunteering their time, schools maintaining community spirit, and pastors reaching out in innovative ways. The Archdiocese of Newark has created a special website section to engage and unite readers in all the faith-centered work that continues amidst the pandemic. Although our church and school buildings are closed, our hearts remain wide open! Visit www.rcan.org/news to stay informed and stay connected.
This special section is powered by the award-winning editorial staff of the Archdiocese of Newark that produces New Jersey Catholic magazine, and The Catholic Advocate and NJ Catolico newspapers. For information about these print publications and more, visit www.rcan.org and click on “Sharing the Faith.”