Statement Regarding Archdiocesan Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Funding
In response to the publication of a national news story on Catholic churches receiving loans through the Paycheck Protection Program, the Archdiocese of Newark has issued the following statement:
“Although the Archdiocese of Newark did not accept the entirety of funding assistance for which it was eligible under the law, many of our archdiocesan parishes and schools did apply for and receive vital financial assistance via SBA Paycheck Protection Program funding. More than 200 parishes were unable to collect weekly offertory contributions during the mandated state shutdown. School tuition, fundraising events, and other key sources of archdiocesan financial support also were critically impacted. This funding was necessary to help sustain essential ministries and services, and to ensure continued employment of staff members — including school teachers, parish staff, and workers at homeless shelters, soup kitchens and other ministries that serve the most vulnerable among us. These parishes and schools met all requirements for the loans. Without this assistance, they would not have been able to preserve many of these jobs, affecting not only the employees and their families, but also the communities who depend on them.” — Archdiocese of Newark
Please also read the statement on the Paycheck Protection Program by Archbishop Paul S. Coakley of Oklahoma City, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development: