Statement Regarding Veteran Flags at Catholic Cemeteries
The staff of Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of Newark empathize with grieving families who wish to add temporary, personal items to the memorials of their departed loved ones.
We do not remove permanent monuments or affixed memorialization from any headstone. However, certain cemetery decorations are not permitted since they may present a safety hazard to our visitors and grounds workers. Wooden, glass, plastic or metal items, especially when not permanently affixed to a headstone, can easily become a tripping hazard or a serious threat when airborne from lawn equipment.
We have an obligation to all the families we serve and to the loved ones interred at our cemeteries to maintain a consistent standard of reverence, safety and appearance around our property. Signs are posted at all locations to notify visitors of routine seasonal clean-up of decorations so families have ample time to remove items they wish to keep. The cemetery staff holds removed personal items for a reasonable period so families may retrieve them. It is not our intention to upset or offend any family or individual.
We honor and cherish our fallen heroes and veterans, and remember them throughout the year during monthly Masses, Veteran’s Day, Flag Day, and certainly on Memorial Day. Flags are flown daily in designated areas over all Archdiocesan Cemeteries to honor those presently serving and those who have served. Additionally, we place more than one thousand American flags at the memorials of veterans interred at our Catholic Cemeteries for Memorial Day, and those flags remain through Flag Day.
All are invited to visit the graves of our fallen heroes as we pray for all our departed loved ones at Memorial Day Mass on Monday, May 29th at 11:00 am.