“Surviving Divorce” Facilitator Training Course
There’s no such thing as “Catholic divorce” but the bad news is Catholics do civilly divorce. “Surviving Divorce” is a program here to help, and to encourage healing through the Sacraments where the participants personally encounter Christ with all His love and tender mercies.Thousands of years ago the blind, deaf and dumb ran to Jesus for healing and He still invites them to come to Him today. Those who are in need of healing from civil divorce or separation want to learn how to rebuild their lives. There is hope through experiencing the love & mercy of Jesus Christ through His church and people.
Please consider bringing the 12 week program Surviving Divorce to your parish. This program can be facilitated by any clergy, religious, permanent deacon, pastoral staff member or layperson designated by the parish. This one-day training is for any clergy, religious, permanent deacon, pastoral staff member or layperson chosen by his or her parish to facilitate the program. This session will offer in-depth instruction on all aspects of advertising, facilitating and administering the program. The processes of grief, loss and transition are emphasized, as are listening and communication skills. Facilitator must meet Archdiocese safety requirements.
Register for our upcoming training on June 16, 2023.