Update on Most Blessed Sacrament Church in Franklin Lakes
The following is an update on Mass and other parish activities at Most Blessed Sacrament in Franklin Lakes following the devastating fire that destroyed the church on December 11.
Sunday Masses, including the 5:30 p.m. Saturday Vigil Mass, will be held in the gymnasium at the Academy of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Daily Mass, including the 9:00 a.m. Saturday Mass, will be held in the parish center.
There is no change to the frequency of Masses or times. Visit online at mostblessedsacrament.ws or consult the church bulletin for Mass schedules.
All major holiday Masses including the regularly scheduled Christmas and Christmas Eve Masses also will be celebrated in the school gymnasium. Consult the bulletin online for the complete Christmas Mass schedule, including the children’s Christmas Eve Mass, and Parish Advent Confessions.
While weddings and funeral Masses will be relocated to neighboring parishes, Most Blessed Sacrament staff will continue to coordinate music and logistics for these events. The Sacrament of Baptism will be celebrated in the gymnasium during Masses.
There is no change to the many parish ministries of Most Blessed Sacrament, which take place in the parish center and at other facilities.
Classes have resumed at our Academy of the Most Blessed Sacrament, a Blue Ribbon School serving students in Grades Pre-K through 8 on the same property as the parish, which was not directly affected by the fire.
For more information visit Most Blessed Sacrament’s website and Facebook page.