Youth Ministry Recognition Ceremony

Sunday December 8th, 3pm
Cathedral Basilica
of the Sacred Heart

Honor those YOUTH & ADULTS that share their time, Talent and Treasure

Each of our parishes and high schools are blessed year after year with many fine and gifted teens and adults that contribute to the life and mission of our parishes and schools by the sharing of their time, talent and treasures. 

We here at the Archdiocesan Office for Youth & Young Adult Ministry want to stand beside you, and give you the opportunity to honor, affirm, congratulate and show gratitude to these fine youth and adults!

Designed as a tool to lift up role models in youth ministry, the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM) National Recognition’s in Youth Ministry affirms, acknowledges, and empowers young people and adults who provide authentic, credible, and competent witness to the Gospel in their parish or schools.

This year the Youth Ministry Recognition Ceremony will take place on Sunday, December 8th at the Cathedral Basilica at 3pm.

We encourage each parish or diocesan high school to honor two teens and one adult at a mass or ceremony at your own parish or school.  

The Awards presented are:
Archdiocesan Parish/ School Youth Discipleship Award
Each parish/ school of the Archdiocese is encouraged to recognize up to TWO HIGH SCHOOL teens for this award.
Criteria : The Discipleship Award is presented to a youth who responds to the call to discipleship through service or ministry to their parish or school community.

Archdiocesan Parish/ School Adult Light of the World Award
Each parish/ school of the Archdiocese is encouraged to recognize ONE adult for this award.
Criteria :  The Light of the World Award is presented adults to express appreciation and gratitude to adults who have demonstrated a commitment to young people and youth ministry in their parish or school

Please fill out the online form below by December 2nd.


Rich Donovan

Associate Director
ext 4150 
