2016 Day of Reflection
The Women’s Commission is excited to invite the women of the Archdiocese of Newark and beyond to the 2016 Day of Reflection, February 27, at Seton Hall University. We are calling all women to become “Alive in Christ” as we celebrate the Jubilee Year of Mercy.
We are excited to welcome two young and dynamic women to the Day of Reflection to share their stories of mercy, healing and the infinite love of Jesus Christ. Both women were on the path to the good life, achieving dream-like levels of success in their worldly pursuits. Sharon Heidland was a Division I college athlete with the desire to do something extraordinary with her life. She was on the way to wealth, prestige and power. Leah Darrow gained international attention as a contestant on America’s Next Top Model, headed to a successful career as a fashion model. Yet both young women realized their success was not bringing true happiness. Each was called from her worldly path to radical conversion.
Heidland’s journey of conversion, healing and freedom in Jesus Christ led her to the consecrated life. Now Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, she is dedicated to poverty, chastity and obedience; and she is among the happiest of women. She says, “My goal now is to bring the message of Jesus’ authentic love and mercy to everyone I meet. Jesus came to set us free from sin and darkness so that we might walk in his marvelous light.” You can connect with Sr. Miriam on her blog at www.soltsisters.blogspot.com or follow her on Twitter: @onegroovynun.
Darrow’s moment of grace came in the midst of a modeling shoot. She quit on the spot, and called her dad to bring her home. Now married with two small children, Darrow has devoted herself to speaking the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Her message: “I’m not defined by a TV show or profession, but as a child of God who’s broken and redeemed by Jesus Christ. The main message I send is about conversion and the mercy of Jesus: It’s never too late to change your life, to stop practicing vice and to start practicing virtue. There is always hope in Jesus.” You can find more about Darrow’s journey at www.leahdarrow.com or by following her on Twitter: @leahdarrow.
In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, the Women’s Commission is glad to share the stories of these young women – stories of mercy, healing, freedom and real love. In addition to the talks, the Day of Reflection will feature an English and Spanish track, an opportunity for Confession, and a celebration of Holy Mass.
The Women’s Commission of the Archdiocese of Newark seeks to serve the women of our area by presenting the beautiful Teaching of Holy Mother Church in a manner easily accessible to them. With the annual Day of Reflection each Lent and through other ongoing means, the Commission reaches out to women to support them in their call to continuing conversion and invites them to renew their relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. It is our mission to tell women about all of the true, good and beautiful things the Catholic Church desires for us. We embrace the opportunity to propose continuing conversion based on the mercy, love and truth revealed in Christ.
The event will be held at the Seton Hall University Richie Regan Recreation and Athletic Center, 400 South Orange Avenue, South Orange, NJ 07079. Doors open at 8:00 a.m. The cost is $20 (religious are free). To find out more about this event go to www.rcan.org/womcom, call 973-497-4545, or email us at CatholicWomen@rcan.org.
Learn more about Leah Darrow
Learn more about Sr. Miriam James