National Catholic Youth Conference Interest Meetings
In a distinctly Catholic setting, the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) invites participants to encounter Christ, experience church, and be empowered for discipleship.

The Office for Youth & Young Adult Ministry invites all parishes to consider joining us on the Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) being held in November 20-22, 2025 in Indianapolis, In. Although almost a year away, the time to start preparing is now!
Join us as we talk a bit about what the conference is, the benefits of organizing a group from your parish to attend are, and more! This meeting is for Parish Youth Ministry Leaders, Clergy, Religious and PCLs that might want to learn more about NCYC and what the commitments/ time line is.
This conference is meant for HIGH SCHOOL age students.
Information nights planned are :
Tuesday January 14, 7:30 -9pm
Wednesday February 19, 7:30 -9pm
Both meetings will take place at the St. John Paul II Youth Retreat Center in Kearny.
NCYC Information Nights
Rich Donovan, Associate Director
Office for Youth & Young Adult Ministry
201-998-0088 x 4150