Protecting God’s Children

Independent auditors from the USCCB have found the Archdiocese of Newark fully compliant with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People in every year since audits began in 2003.

Still bringing value and helping to keep children safe.

You can help
You can help prevent the abuse of children. Know the warning signs of offenders. They prefer to be with children. They go overboard touching, wrestling, or tickling. They may give minors alcohol or drugs, or show them pornography. They allow children to break the rules. Offenders act as if the rules do not apply to them. If you observe an adult who is not behaving appropriately with children, speak up. Let someone know what you saw. You are not accusing anyone of anything. You are letting someone know you care, are watching, and are concerned that no harm is done to a child.

You can get help
Abuse is never the fault of the person harmed. It is always the responsibility of the offender. The reality is that most victims of abuse know their abuser. One in four females and one in six males report being abused as a minor. If you or someone you know is a victim of abuse there are things you can do, even if the abuse happened years ago. Call the police to report the abuse. If the abuser was in a position of authority in an organization, you should also report the abuse to that organization.


Empowering God’s Children

Learn about the Empowering God’s Children (EGC) program through two videos featuring Cardinal Tobin and Karen Clark, Executive Director of Protection of the Faithful. This initiative focuses on helping our youth stay safe and aware, ensuring they are protected and nurtured in faith communities. Along with the videos, we’re excited to introduce new printed materials to support this effort. Together, they offer practical insights on creating safe, supportive environments for children within the Archdiocese of Newark.

Empowering God’s Children Resources

The Virtus Empowering God’s Children program is being taught to all Catholic School and Faith Formation children.

Protecting God’s Children
Workshop Schedule

All clergy, employees, volunteers, members of religious communities, international and temporarily assigned clergy as well as all volunteers who interact with minors as part of their service are required to complete the Virtus Protecting God’s Children training with updates every five years.
For information about upcoming sessions in your area, click here.

Protecting God’s Children Recertification Options

To stay compliant with our safeguarding policies, you have several recertification options. You can choose from live classes or complete your recertification online.

Live Classes Available:
Protecting God’s Children: 3 hours, valid for 5 years
Keeping the Promise Alive: 90 minutes, valid for 5 years
For online recertification, you must complete both annual and monthly requirements. Be sure to use your original Virtus ID to register for classes or access online content. If you last completed Protecting God’s Children over 10 years ago, you’ll need to retake the in-person class.

If you’ve forgotten your Virtus username or password, visit and click “Need login information?”—do not create a new account. For additional help, contact the Safe Environment team at The schedule for all Protecting God’s Children classes is available via the link on the right.

Online Recertification Reminder
If you’re opting for online recertification, remember to read the monthly articles in addition to completing the annual module. Failing to read the required articles may lead to account suspension and affect your ability to volunteer.

Protecting God’s Children Workshop Schedule

All clergy, employees, volunteers, members of religious communities, international and temporarily assigned clergy as well as all volunteers who interact with minors as part of their service are required to complete the Virtus Protecting God’s Children training with updates every five years. 

Protecting God’s Children Recertification Options

The following live classes are acceptable for recertification: Protecting God’s Children (3 hours in length and good for 5 years) and Keeping the Promise Alive (90 minutes in length and good for 5 years). Individuals can also opt in to recertify online (which has an annual and monthly requirement).  Individuals must use their original Virtus id to register for a live class and/or to access their online recertification content.  Those who have taken Protecting God’s Children over 10 years ago must take the in-person Protecting God’s Children again.  

Users who have forgotten their Virtus user name and password can visit and click on “Need login information?” to retrieve-please do not create a new Virtus account. Users needing additional assistance can contact the Safe Environment team at The schedule of all Protecting God’s Children classes can be accessed by clicking on the link on the right.

Online Recertification of Protecting God’s Children

If you are recertifying your Protecting God’s Children by doing the online option, please ensure you are reading the monthly articles in addition to doing the annual recertification module.  Your account may be suspended in Virtus when no articles have been read in the previous year, and you will be unable to volunteer. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is required to meet the Safe Environment policies if I want to volunteer with minors?

You need to fill out a volunteer application, sign the current Archdiocesan Code of Conduct, have a criminal background check and take a course in child sexual abuse awareness and prevention.  Although the Code of Conduct, application and background check must be completed before you start your service, you have 30 days to take the Protecting God’s Children program.

Do you do a credit check? 

No, only a criminal background check is performed.

If I’ve been fingerprinted in order to teach in a NJ school, do I need a background check?

No, as long as your role at the parish is that of a volunteer, and you are still teaching in a NJ school. Ensure the school where you are teaching is correctly indicated on your NJ DOE Applicant Approval Employment History form. If not, you must do the Archive process to change it.

Is the course that I have to take available online? 

No, the first time, the course must be taken in person. There are online recertification options. See the answer below.

Whom do I contact in my parish or school for more information or to get the forms above?

Contact the Local Safe Environment Coordinator, who is assigned by the Pastor or Principal. You can contact your parish or school OR if you have a Virtus account, you can access their information by going to your HOME tab and looking in the box titled LSEC Contact.

How do I recertify my training? How often is that done?

The training is recertified either every month online in a continuous process, or every five years in another live training session.

Who must undergo criminal history record checks?

All clergy, employees, volunteers, members of religious communities, international and temporarily assigned clergy as well as all volunteers who interact with minors as part of their service are required to submit to a Criminal History Record check before beginning their Archdiocesan service, and every five years thereafter. The Department for the Protection of the Faithful, in partnership with the parishes and schools, uses a centralized screening process.

What happens when criminal history record checks turn up a criminal record?

If the background check is completed with a “hit,” careful consideration will be given to the role and type of contact as it relates to minors and/or vulnerable individuals. At all times, the safety of the youth and vulnerable will be paramount and decisions will be made accordingly.

What are the requirements for abuse prevention training?

All clergy, employees, volunteers, members of religious communities, international and temporarily assigned clergy as well as all volunteers who interact with minors as part of their service are required to complete the Virtus Protecting God’s Children training with updates every five years.

Conduct Policies

The Archdiocese participated in an onsite audit on November 6-9, 2023. This audit measures our compliance with the USCCB’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. This comprehensive audit included numerous interviews with staff, rectors, priests, principals, and local safe environment coordinators, as well as detailed record reviews. The auditors determined that the Archdiocese of Newark is compliant with the mandates set forth in the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.

– Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R. (June 22, 2024)

2019 Code of Conduct 2019 Conducta Profesional y Ministerial
Normativas Suplementarias para el Clero Supplemental Norms for Clergy                     

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