Local Safe Environment Coordinator and Facilitator Information
Facilitator Information
All active facilitators must use V 4.0 of the program – if you need materials, email the Safe Environment Compliance Team sect@rcan.org.
Reminder that all active facilitators must use V 4.0 of the program – if you need materials, send an email to sect@rcan.org.
As was said in the mandatory update, bring extra blank certificates and a blank sign in sheet, as well as the walk-in sheet (English/ Spanish), which are only for Walk-ins! Everyone gets a certificate, but you need to print the certificates and sign in sheets from Virtus for the pre-registered enrollees.
Keeping the Promise Alive
Keeping the Promise Alive is for recertification only. It lasts 90 minutes and is good for five years. Until a 4.0 version comes out, you are to teach the second half of a PGC 4.0 session. Those attending for the second time need to work with the Local Safe Environment Coordinator or contact sect@rcan.org.
Instructions for logging onto Virtus to take Protecting God’s Children for the first time
First time attendees not on Facilitator’s Sign in Sheet should be given the Walk In Note (English/ Spanish)
Local Safe Environment Coordinator Information
The Local Safe Environment Coordinator (LSEC) must ensure the volunteers (in ministry with minors) and employees at their location have the required safe environment documentation on file.
Background check reminder
Volunteers that are signing up for Protecting God’s Children for the first time will be asked to sign the Archdiocesan Code of Conduct electronically, but they must print and sign page 23 and provide the hard copy to the LSEC for their file. In addition, they will be given a link for a Sterling Volunteer background check. Make sure to stress with them they have to choose your location as their location in Virtus. They will be marked Eligible if they come back clear. We do not do a CREDIT check – if people are asking, feel free to give them the Credit Check letter. No Credit Check is ever done as part of the Archdiocese of Newark Sterling background checks.
Safe Environment Compliance Team
Newark, New Jersey 07104
Karen Clark
Newark, New Jersey 07104
Gina Criscuolo, LCSW
Newark, New Jersey 07104
Ralph Lilore
Newark, New Jersey 07104
Marta Nieves
Newark, New Jersey 07104
Leonarda Tineo
Newark, New Jersey 07104
Elizabeth Yagual
Newark, New Jersey 07104
Ana Zsak
Newark, New Jersey 07104
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