- Archdiocesan Sacrament Guidelines – Order of Baptism of Children
- Memorandum from the Vicar General
- Decree
- Slides (Liturgical) – Rev. Thomas Dente
- Slides (Catechetical) – Patrica Rodriguez
- Presentation (English) – Rev. Thomas Dente and Patricia Rodriguez (Coming Soon)
- Presentation (espaƱol) – Deacon Asterio Velasco y Patricia Rodriguez
- Baptismal Formula
- Minister of Baptism
- Baptism, Confirmation and Non-Catholic Churches
- Renewal of Baptism Promises
- Baptism Fonts (rev. 9/4/2018)
- Baptism, Confirmation and Non-Catholic Churches
- Renewal of Baptism Promises – Confirmation
- Presentation of Candidates – English | Spanish
- Confirmation of Adult (18+) Baptized Catholics
- Five Questions on the Distribution of Holy Communion from the Tabernacle
- Eucharist and the Triduum
- Use of Mustum and Gluten Hosts
- Rite for Sending Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist forth from Mass
- How to Receive Communion at Mass
- The Name of St. Joseph in the Eucharistic Prayers
- Catholic Book Roman Missal “St. Joseph” Inserts
- Guidelines for the Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament
Holy Orders-Matrimony