Delegate for the Religious
Sr. Patricia M. Wormann O.P.

The Office of Delegate for Religious is structured to maintain a bond between Cardinal Joseph Tobin, C.Ss.R., Archbishop of Newark, and members of Religious Institutes and other forms of Consecrated Life. The Delegate for Religious, appointed by the Cardinal, serves as his liaison and offers pastoral concern, provides appropriate resources, and facilitates collaborative structures for leaders and members of the various forms of Consecrated Life to enhance their vocation within the church.
The ministry of the Delegate for Religious is primarily one of service: service to the Cardinal when acting as representative; service to the members of Consecrated Life in areas essential to their growth; service to the diocese by supporting, in whatever ways possible, the vocation to the Consecrated Life.
To act as the official representative of the Cardinal in matters regarding Consecrated Life in the Archdiocese;
- To maintain a working relationship with the Major Superiors of Religious Institutes with members in the archdiocese;
- To serve as a liaison between the members of Consecrated Life and organizations that involve Consecrated Life;
- To be available to individual members of Consecrated Life as a resource for addressing specific needs;
- To provide opportunities for ongoing dialogue between the Cardinal and members of Consecrated Life and Major Superiors of Religious Institutes;
- To maintain data on members of Consecrated Life living and ministering in the Archdiocese;
- To assist the Cardinal in preparing reports for Rome;
- To assist members of Consecrated Life in preparation for canonical processes;
- To assure that there are available opportunities for the spiritual, personal, and professional benefit of members of Consecrated Life;
- To provide a means of communication which informs members of Consecrated Life of appropriate activities and needs in the diocese;
- To provide an opportunity in the Archdiocese for members of Consecrated Life to celebrate jubilees and World Day for Consecrated Life;
- To attend professional ceremonies, jubilees, funerals, and other special events of members of Consecrated Life;
- To coordinate the annual Retirement Fund for Religious Appeal or assure its collection;
- To be aware of and sensitive to the general needs of members of the Consecrated Life and either address those needs and/or bring them to the attention of the Cardinal when appropriate;
- To bring the pastoral concerns of the Cardinal to members of the Consecrated Life;
- To provide or oversee the formation of Consecrated Virgins;
- To initiate visits with Contemplative Orders and Diocesan Orders, either with the Cardinal or alone, and visit other local communities when invited;
- To attend national, regional, and diocesan meetings related to Consecrated Life, and to communicate the results of the same to the Cardinal and to the members of Consecrated Life in the diocese.
*Note: Specific responsibilities are determined by the Cardinal and the Delegate for Religious according to the needs of each diocese.
Source: Resource Manual, National Conference for Vicars of Religious Authored by the NCVR National Board, April 23-25, 2004, Chicago
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