Ministry of Loss and Healing
When family members are faced with the challenges of daily living following major life upheavals, the Family Life Office can offer support. Many who hunger for God’s consolation after the loss of a loved one, whether it be from death, separation or divorce, will find that parish-based support groups can allow them the opportunity for support in a spiritual context. Attendance at a support group has long been recognized as a valuable tool in grief recovery.
Groups can provide connection and understanding in a spiritually-centered, confidential, non-judgmental setting. They can also offer education about the grief process and other important resources to assist healing. Archdiocesan support groups are led by lay people, deacons and religious who are trained facilitators and all groups are open to those of all faiths.
Yamilka Genao, M.E., M.A.P.M.
Associate Director
Hispanic Life Ministries / Pastoral Familiar Hispana
Marriage Preparation / Enrichment
Natural Family Planning (NFP)
Ministry of loss & Healing